Chapter 68

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Torian's POV

My heart seemed like it was being shredded into tiny pieces as hot tears flooded down my cheeks while I watched the scene playing in front of me.

I was gasping for breath, hoping silently that this would be some kind of hallucination which would later clear off, but my mother's cry of pain kept hitting my ears and making it clear that it wasn't any sort of illusion. It was happening for real. My beloved mother was being raped in front of me.

"Dad, look at what he is doing to your mate, my mother!" I shrieked in agonizing pain, but not even my powerful father could do anything at that moment. It seemed like he was pinned to the throne. Not even his body could move.

I tried all I could do to get off the ground and stop the beta from going on, but I have literally lost all strength in me. My bones seemed like they were crushed. All my muscles were so fatigued and worn out.

I had to shut my eyes as it was traumatic to watch your mother being raped without being able to do anything. But even as my eyes were closed, my ears received her loud screech and were filled with intense pain. Hearing her cry was creating the scene in my head.

I opened my eyes again and there was the Beta grunting as he rammed his dick inside her. The demons were holding her hands and legs. He would keep laughing mockingly at my father, with his eyes bloodshot and exuding the fire of revenge.

The fact that it was the Beta who was doing this to the Luna intensified my pain, and I wished once more that I could gain a little strength. I would have attacked and killed him.

It was so unfortunate that my wounds and the powerful punch he gave me had drained every power in me. All I could do was lie on the ground and feed my eyes on the traumatic scene that was unfolding in front of me, watching the woman who bore me being rammed by the Beta like an animal.

"Why are you doing this to her? Why?!" I finally found my voice and shrieked as my blood ran hot through my veins.

The Beta paused and spun his face toward me.

"Your father caused all this! You thought I was lying when I said he raped my mate and killed her because she vowed to expose him. Your father here was also the killer of those 5000 werewolves!! This man here is a monster!!" The Beta thundered and punched my mother hard on her face so that blood spurted from her lips.

My father was sweating all over his face and his body wouldn't stop quaking as he pleaded with tears falling down his cheeks continuously. It was clear that the pain my mother was going through was really hitting him hard inside.

The mate bond would really raze him inside, like fire, watching how his mate was being treated, but the Beta just said he killed his mate.

"Daddy, did you rape and kill the Beta's mate?!" I bawled, breathing heavily as I hoped it wasn't true. But he looked at me and nodded.

"You were also the night killer that took 5000 werewolf lives. You were the one for real? Why will you be so cruel like that?!" My voice shrieked as I felt my heart bleeding in immeasurable pain. I had always seen my father as a very good man.

I can't just believe he accepted raping and killing the Beta's mate. I could remember how he pretended to be innocent at her burial. It was said that she was killed by the vampires because her heart was plucked out.

"Dad, you plucked out her heart so it would look like the killer was the vampires? Is that what you also did to Lola's parents? Killing them and blaming it on the vampires!!!" I yelled in extreme anger and disgust.

Once again, he nodded and admitted all this.

"Just as you killed my mate, I am also ending Luna's life. You will then be possessed by the heart demons again. You will be used as a tool to get Lola killed. After that, you and your son will become slaves, watching as this pack gets ruled by demons. This pack will become another demon clan and all wolves will serve and worship them!!" The Beta crackled, nodding his head victoriously.

"Please, don't kill my mother!" I cried out, but it seemed like my voice was muffled enough to be heard by him. He didn't even glance at me or act like I said anything.

"I will do anything you want. Please spare their lives, please... please... pleasee. " My father was in tears, crying aloud like a baby.

"For many years, I planned this revenge. It is so satisfying to finally get to this point!" The Beta cackled, letting out a deep grunt, before pulling out and cumming all over my mother's face like a slave. He tore off her clothes, leaving her stark naked.

"Kill me and stop all this..." The weak tone of my mother was heard as her head sagged around. She was bleeding in between her legs.

The Beta smirked and at that moment, shifted into his werewolf nature, and just like a nightmare, he slashed my mother's chest and plucked out her heart.

"No!!!!" My father and I screamed in horror, and he burst into laughter.

"I am not the one that killed her; It is the vampires! Can't you see they plucked out her heart?" The Beta giggled sarcastically before gripping her neck and pinning her to the wall. He used his other hand to strike her belly, his claws piercing their way in as he pulled out her intestines like a bloodthirsty monster.

My mother screeched in extreme pain, her voice fading. Blood was gushing out of her body. The horror scene was playing in front of us and not like those movies I'd watch. This time it was reality and I was losing my mother to it.

He dropped off my mother's lifeless body and smirked at my shattered father.

"Get the stupid Alpha ready to reveal Lola to the vampire clan. We are going now before she gets marked. Torian should also go with us but make him mute." The Beta grinned and walked away with a confident stride.

My mother was gone for real.

Sophia's POV

I saw it all happen.

I was at the window watching how my father took his revenge on the Alpha. It was what we planned. Yes, we both agreed on all that, but now my heart is so heavy with my eyes wet with tears.

The tears were forming after seeing Torian cry out in agony. I was feeling the pain that Torian was feeling. It was hurting me so much that he had to face all this for a crime he didn't commit, and now, I can't help but hate myself for causing this deep pain to him.

I don't know what is going on with me, but I think I am no longer interested in making all this work. I don't mind betraying the Demon King and getting killed, but I have to stop it all.

How will I stay alive and watch Torian turn into a slave who will be beaten every second of his life? He will be forced to dig tunnels and carry heavy building materials like a slave. The demons will make his life miserable!

Can I bear all that?


I have to visit Lola in the vampire clan and find a way to help her. But the problem is that she hates me and might not listen to anything I say. I just have to give it a try.

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