Chapter 33

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Jace's POV

It was late in the morning the next day before I was able to gather the courage to go to school. It has been hours since I was done dressing up. But the fear in me wasn't letting me step out of my room. All I felt inside me was anxiety and dread.

It wasn't this way yesterday when I met him, as I never had the reason to fear this much since Bella had made me realize it wasn't too bad having the vampire prince enrolled in the school as it would give us the upper hand in setting him up to his death.

Why then did my heart pound so much this morning on realizing that he would be waiting for me out there along the road? Even though it was a cool morning and all my windows were open, there was still sweat on my forehead and palms. It seemed to me like I was about to do something so terrible, something that would take many lives and endanger lives.

As I thought of the possibility of ambushing the vampire prince after getting him enrolled, I also shuddered at what he would be planning too. If he had the courage to mingle among the wolves in school, there must be backups and secret plans I know nothing about.


He had threatened to kill me if I pulled any sort of ruse. I don't think I have any choice at the moment.

I rose from the bed, exhaling heavily and swallowing the lumps in my throat as I felt so nervous. If there was one thing I cared so much about, it was the blue moon pack. After being Torian's friend for many years, I couldn't bear to see any member of the pack face danger.

I am also aware of being the next Beta. Since my parents died, I have managed to survive with the help of Torian. This has made me vow to protect the pack. Now I feel so devastated knowing I was about to do something which was likely to endanger the pack. It hurts so much, but I don't want to die now...

Taking a few steps to the door, my gaze fell on the mirror on the wall and a little sigh slipped off my lips. The cuteness of my face was close to perfection and quite rare, especially with my bright gem eyes and slightly pouted pink lips.

I had never admired myself until now. The thought of betraying the vampire prince and dying made me chill as shudder ran through me. My mind flashed to Bella, and I couldn't tell when a smile crept over my face.

"I am never going to die," I mumbled to myself, scurrying out of the room with quick steps that made me laugh at myself. It was funny how my heart raced in excitement for nothing else than to meet Bella.

How she suddenly became special to me was something I couldn't explain with words. I badly want to see her face and hear her sweet voice. I'd rather help the vampire prince than die.

As I got to the sitting room, a little hiss escaped my lips. I just recalled that the couch had always been my parents' favourite place to sit every morning after they both wake. I will always come down to meet them there. Now they are no more. The couch is empty and everywhere is distant and lonely.

I locked the door and ran off before I knew I was running. Don't blame me. Bella is all in my mind and I can't wait to meet her.

With my wolf ability, I sped through the pathway and just as I was about to reach the gate, Someone called my name from behind. My blood ran cold with both of my legs sticking to the ground. It was surprising how I suddenly forgot him because of Bella.

"I had been waiting here for so long. Are you going this late to school or were you thinking of dodging me?" His thick and heart wrenching voice sounded again, and I swallowed hard before swirling to face him.

My jaw dropped at who my eyes fell on. If I hadn't seen him yesterday and found out who he was, I would literally be gushing and envying him now.

I must say I didn't see his full appearance clearly yesterday. Right now, I couldn't help admiring him even when he was a vampire, but how could he appear so dishy?

His emerald green eyes and hawkish nose made him look like those Greek gods in historical books.

"Can we be going now?" His deep voice broke me from my admiring world, instilling fear in me as I saw the sudden fury and hatred that blazed in his green eyes, making them glint.

"O...okay...what name are you taking since you will be having a different identity?" I asked in a wavering tone, but my question seemed to increase his anger as I saw him gnash his teeth and clench both of his fists before walking closer to me with that leopard-like pace, sending terror through me as I moved back.

"Jace, do I look like a joker to you? You haven't thought of my new name or identity since yesterday? I can see you don't value your life. Even without you, I can still get in there, so I think I will kill you now!" He threatened, and my eyes widened at every word that came out of his mouth, as he sounded so much like the rumbling of thunder.

"No...I..." My voice hitched as I saw him swoosh through the air. The next thing I saw was there were dead bodies on the floor bleeding from their hearts.

"What??" I gasped as I wondered what had just happened.

"I killed them because they heard us...I will kill you next once you mess up! Now take me in!" He growled while his claws and fangs turned back to his neat nails and nice set of teeth.

I nodded and began to walk towards the school gate as we were a bit far from it. All I could think of was the power this man would possess. I never saw those students all the time we talked. How did he know they heard us? And how could a man kill three people in a second? It all happened in the twinkle of an eye.

One thing I noticed clearly was the intense hatred he had in his eyes after killing them. Even when he talked to me, there was no trace of likeness at all. He looked so unfriendly and gruesome that I found it hard to look at his face.

"Whom am I to you?" He asked as we got to the gate.

"My... my cousin?" I spluttered and he hissed.

"I can't be your cousin or act as one. Tell them I'm your long-time friend!" He scoffed, and I nodded in fright.

"Why are you walking fast and creating so much space between us? How would people believe we are friends? I won't spare your stupid life if I am suspected in even the slightest way!" That husky and scary voice of his shot at me again and weakened my legs as I paused abruptly for him to catch up with me as we finally got into the school through the gate.

Just like Torian, I saw female students gathering around us. Their attentions were all drawn to Blake, not to me. Their eyes were wet and filled with passion and desire. I cast a short glance at Blake and saw him faking a smile, but even though it was all fake, it made him more handsome and appealing to look at.

There were screams from the ladies who badly wanted his attention. They all drooled, swooned, and waved, but Blake wasn't looking at any of them. If only they knew he was the terror about to befall them.

A vampire!

I also noticed that he didn't have a vampire scent swirling around him, but rather a wolf scent and aura.

What is my new name?" He asked me the moment we got to the hallway, which leads to the registration room.

"Do you like to be called Jason?" I mumbled, fearing that the name might make him angry. After seeing how he killed those students in a flash, I knew I would never have a chance with him, making me fear even his shadow.

"I like it. My new name is Jason Claw" he shrugged and pulled up a calm smile the moment I knocked on the door.

"Do it all well and stay alive. I am not here to kill anyone, but I won't mind killing you if you try playing smart. I am far smarter than you think. I hate wolves so much, but I am not a bloodsucking monster. Just don't push me to become one and wipe away every student here" he whispered these to my ear and for some seconds, I couldn't move or say anything.

The aura around him and how strong his tone sounded really froze my entire being. I wasted no time in crushing that thought of setting him up.

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