Chapter 66

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"You are really wise enough to take my advice. If you had said any other words, you would be a dead man now" I shrugged, plopping on the bed as I looked away from his face to avoid those eyes, which seemed to have love charm in them.

"I saw the fury in my father's eyes. There was no trace of love or compassion as he looked at me. It was like I was prey to be devoured. He doesn't love or care about me anymore. " Torian breathed in a very sad tone, sniffing as he leaned his head against the wall.

"That's why you should stay away from him and don't try to stop whatever he is doing or try to disobey him." I replied with a deep sigh as I know how tough this will be. Torian will sit back and watch his father do a lot of evil.

Alpha Darren will do things that have never been heard of in the history of the wolf kingdom. It will bring more casualties because they will try to stop him without knowing he has immeasurable powers now.

"When did my father turn like this? I was in a coma for just a day. You have already transformed him into a heartless soul like you were. Is he working for the demon king too?" Torian shot at me, his voice cracking like one who was about to start crying anytime soon.

In all he said, one word caught my attention, which made me look up at him sharply.

"You mean I was a heartless soul and not anymore? Or was it a slip of the tongue?" I inquired, hoping he wouldn't say it was a mistake. Just suddenly, I longed for him to tell me I was not a heartless soul anymore.

"Sophia, is there nothing that can be done to put an end to this?" He asked, ignoring my other question and making me realize how stupid I was to ask such a thing, knowing full well how bad I was for making the desire for revenge cloud my brain that I ended up doing what would bring an end to the existence of this pack.

How was I hoping for someone to tell me I'm not a heartless soul when that's one of my natures?

"The only solution is Lola, but I won't be saying anything again because there is something important you should do now." I paused, contemplating if it was the right thing to do. I was really betraying the demon king, knowing how dangerous it was.

"What should I do?" He breathed the question with a cringe, sprinting closer to me.

"Find a way to reach Lola. If it is impossible, then it is all useless" I sighed, not understanding what was wrong with me.

"Sophia, why are you doing all this to me? Why do you want to destroy this pack?" He purred, sitting beside me on the bed. His cologne filled my nostrils, forcing me to spring away from him.

"Torian, where did you get this love charm, spell, or whatever from?" I requested, glaring at him as it dawned on me that it wasn't all normal. Torian is one of those guys who I don't care if he dies or not. I never had a single pinch of love for him all this time. He took me as his mate.

It was all part of the plan. Now that it was all about to end in my favour, these silly feelings began to build up inside me. It isn't normal. Torian had something he wasn't telling me.

"You believe all love feelings and attraction are all formed by magic spells and charms. That isn't true. We just have to help each other out of this mess and build a better future together." He mumbled, and those words sounded so awkward in my ears.

"You don't know who I am. It is so useless to think it can ever work between us. Take your weak self to the palace and watch how your father slaughters everyone that tries to object to him. Maybe that will be a better reason for you to stay calm and face the misery and doom about to befall everyone in this pack, " I shrugged, striding out at quick paces, smacking my lips and grimacing.

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