Chapter 41

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Sophia's POV

It was like the speed of light, whooping through the air just before I could make a blink. It was the last thing I expected, and even though I knew he would run away, I never thought it would be immediately. In an instant, before I could use my magic powers to shut the door.

That was my plan to stop him from escaping before the hunters got closer. When I saw Lola hug him, my heart became at ease, and I couldn't hide my smile. The hug made me believe they weren't aware the hunters had been informed already and would be in the school shortly.

All I was waiting for was to sense their presence with my sharp organ. It was so unexpected to see Blake vanish away. Not all by himself, but he also took Lola with him. If he had waited a little, my whole plan would have worked out perfectly.

Yes, I planned to help the hunters subdue him so easily and fast. When he'd be made a slave in the pack, I would seize that opportunity to use a greater love spell on him so he would love me.

Now, all those setups are shattered. They are both gone.

"Where are they? How could he leave so quickly like that?! Fuck!" Torian grunted, hitting his fist on the desk as he breathed heavily.

Jace and Bella plopped on the desk behind them, letting out a deep sigh as they both buried their faces into their palms. It was clear in their eyes that they were happy that Lola was taken away. They loved the fact that the hunters didn't catch up with them, even when they were both pretending.

"You knew he was a vampire, right? Then you lie and say that he is your long-time friend! Jace, did you just betray the wolf community just as Lola did?" A hoarse voice set in, drawing my attention and that of Torian. I could see the scampering student returning after peeping and seeing that Blake was gone.

"Don, what nonsense are you saying, dickhead?" Jace growled, glaring hard at him like he would set him on fire with his eyes.

"He is not saying nonsense! Jace, you betrayed us!" Torian yelled, with his eyes popped and bloodshot. Every student had their eyes on Jace as they calculated the possibilities in their heads.

That was exactly what it seemed like.

"Torian, you can't believe that senseless hypothesis? ... how can the future Beta do a thing like that?" Bella chipped in, defending her love, I guess. Looking straight into their eyes, I can already see the truth from the fear lying in there.

Now I understand why I was unable to read Blake's mind. I had thought he was a wolf with special abilities like Lola, which makes him block me from seeing through him. I never thought he was a vampire, not just anyone, but a royal vampire, obviously, the vampire prince.

"I don't want to hear a word from you unless you are ready to die with him!" Torian shot at Bella, who trembled in fear.

" Jace betrayed us!" Don yelled angrily, and the other students joined in. The whole class repeated it till it became a chant.

"Who betrayed us again?" Everyone heard the voice of the pack hunter's leader as he walked in with his huge body and weapon. His face had a scar that made him a bit scary and intimidating, especially with his tall height and muscles that bulged through his shirt.

He wasn't smiling at all and both of his green eyes told me how disappointed he was. He didn't need anyone to tell him he had lost the vampire again. They had come late.

"No one!" Jace replied sharply, turning to the man with fright.

Jace's POV

My greatest fear was becoming reality, and I needed to act very fast to escape it, but it seemed to be getting worse and dragging me to my doom.

Bella was already crying beside me as she bawled and screamed at the students to stop chanting my name as a betrayal. More students were already gathering and joining the clamour after being told what happened. Some were at the window, while others stood at the doorstep.

The strength to say anything was lost as my throat became dry and blocked with lumps. How can Don and Torian do this to me?

These are my two best friends from childhood, even though we have been having issues since I stood up for Lola instead of joining in making her life hell. Now I see how much their hatred for me has grown.

The scent of the hunters was already hitting my nose harder, and in the next few seconds, Jaden, the new leader of the hunters, stepped in. His intimidating aura filled the atmosphere and caused my heart to sink inside my chest as I couldn't even find my voice.

He had quickly asked who betrayed the pack after heating the chanting.

"No one," I responded sharply, terror filling me, not because of him, but of the fact that I would be taken to the Alpha where I would either be sentenced to death or made a slave for the rest of my life.

Thinking of it was like stabs to my chest, and I knew that was the exact reason why Bella was in tears, crying out her eyes. I took a risk by letting Blake here, and I knew how bad it was, but did I have any choice? I would be dead if I hadn't complied.

But who will believe I did it forcefully? They had all concluded that I had connived with the vampire prince to come over here and take Lola away. My defending words would be meaningless because of the way I had stood by Lola as if my life depended on it.

I was lost in thought that I didn't even know all that Torian and Don had said to the pack leader. The next thing I heard was, "Bring him to the Alpha."

Even though I expected that, facing it really forced tears down my eyes and shook my heart with terror. No matter who anyone was, betraying the pack by helping an enemy is blasphemous, and the victim would be put to death or turned into a slave if they intervened.

Will anyone even intervene for me?

What if I am put to death? Does it mean I sacrificed my life for Lola?

All this struck my head like lightning, spreading panic all over me as strong palms gripped my hands and legs.

"You will explain where you met the vampire prince and how he turned out to be your long-time friend! It is so obvious you planned this all with Lola and him. Who knows what other evil plans you have against us with the vampire clan? " Torian fumed at me with anger as I was dragged away.

Bella's cry and plea were all that kept ringing inside my head. She was kneeling and pleading to almost everyone hunter and even Torian and Sophia, but no one gave her a listening ear, causing me more pain and guilt.

Lola's POV

I was on his back while he sprinted and glided through the shrubs and woods. The whooshing breeze slaps my skin hard. He kept running till we crossed the wolf boundary, and now we were along a path that led to the vampire world. A place where no wolf has ever set foot.

It was part of those places I dreaded. Both wolves and vampires had hunters, and this boundary was the end point for each. Any wolf or vampire who crossed would be ambushed and killed.

According to my parents, the boundary line was endowed with magic that alerted both sides whenever anyone crossed it. Once crossed, there is no way to return alive unless the scent is masked with dark magic.

Blake dropped me gently on the grass ground till I was sitting comfortably. He also settled down in front of me, letting our eyes lock together. There was sadness in his eyes, mixed with pity and confusion.

"I don't know what to do again! Where will I take you to?" He mumbled the question like it was dragging his lung with each word.

"The vampires will kill me if they find me here, right?" I asked with a gulp as tears brimmed my eyes. This was never the kind of life I planned for myself. I never thought of a day I would run away from my pack to save my life. My pack should be my abode of safety, but those same people will kill me once they set their eyes on me again.

Now here I am in the vampire clan, death waiting for me. Even if Blake loved me, he wouldn't be able to save me from the entire vampire community, who craved the extermination of the werewolves. He won't be able to save me from their ambush, not after all the werewolves have done to them in the past. Vampires and werewolves are the greatest enemies that should never be together. He is the vampire prince, while I am a pack hunter. Two souls that should never meet.

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