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[3rd Person POV]

The Biggest, Most Atrocious Despair-Inducing Event in Human History...

A tragedy that affected the entire world on an unimaginable scale, where nothing but death, destruction, and despair spread throughout anything it could touch.

All caused by one girl...

...and like multiple other people, but the idea was hers.

The idea of despair being contagious and easy to catch.

It minds not of anyone's status in life, with enough reason, everyone catches despair.

The once school for Beacons of Hope, Hope's Peak Academy, had been the center of that tragedy, bringing disgrace upon its name, only serving as an ironic reminder of who it once was.

Students with promising talents and an eye for the future used to come here to further hone their talents, and once they graduate, they're set for life and are promised greater things.

Now, it is but an unfortunate title that had them wrapped up in this entire event. After all, what could be more despairing than hosting an event at what's meant to house the symbols of Hope, and have those very same symbols of hope commit atrocities that could cause despair? Ah, the irony of it all...

That's when the shelter plan came to be, the remaining 18 students of Hope's Peak Academy were to be locked inside school premises until the tragedy was declared to be over, fully unaware that the culprit of this event was hiding in their midst.

Before the shelter plan could be enacted, there was a last attempt to stop it all.

In the middle of that fire and destruction stood a lone boy after having fought for so long.

The bloodied, bruised, and battered body of his was only moments away from collapsing because of exhaustion, but still he stood.

He knew he failed, it was just a little hard to think about what's going to happen next, but it's never good.

He knew if he didn't succeed in that attempt, then any attempts made after would be futile, but at that point, what else is there to do?

It had been a long day, and an even longer fight. But it would seem that the climax is slowly arriving...

Several footsteps could be heard, as well as the scraping of metal.

He blinked slowly, he recognized these faces... these are faces of people who he didn't personally know, but he had information on.

One was once a leader, looked up on by everyone, and those he cared for.

One was someone competitive, never missing a chance to improve herself and take on a challenge, but she also possessed this side which only appeared when she interacted with those she considered family.

There was one who was once indifferent, but was also coming into touch with her own person and self-love, as well as acknowledging herself as one.

Then there was one who threw away their humanity for everything else, everything that made him human was gone, all that remained was a monster.

Then another who they presumed to have thrown away their humanity, but is actually more human than any. Her deep emotions and feelings, her own conflicting thoughts while she followed... Something you'd see on a run-of-the-mill human being.

Then the last one was a force of nature... Turning the human emotion into a disease, she was never human to begin with, she was simply a disaster waiting to happen, much like a typhoon... The moment it touches the ground, destruction begins...

Then there were people whom they affected and had caught the disease...

What's scary is that while they're brainwashed to a degree, the brainwashing just ultimately changes their perspective of everything else... It's still them in there.

The night sky had long since placed itself at the top, the starless night blew no wind, and spared no comfort.

It only accompanied this hopelessness within the situation, and after having many things already happen, it would seem that hope really was misplaced.

One could argue that it no longer existed.

But Hope is something for those who have wishes to cling on. It's for other people who have no power to do things themselves nor have they been granted the power to.

There are those who make their own hope, and, well... This tragedy is a fine example of that taken to the extreme and had gone wrong.

Despair is for those who have nothing left. Where desperation and everything else have long passed, nothing mattered anymore.

This tragedy is set as another example, the very foundation of this tragedy was that there was nothing left to look forward to, so grieve it...

Those are ideologies held by multiple people of different perspectives.

Hope varies, Despair varies... One is never above the other, rather, they can't live without each other.

Hope would not exist without Despair, and Despair would not exist without Hope.

This tragedy is another example yet again, Despair is brought forth, yet there are still those with Hope wanting to fight this Despair. But if Hope were to be completely eliminated, and only Despair were to exist, then there would be no Despair at all. Despair only exists once Hope is crushed, and Hope only exists if there is Despair that can be overthrown.

Multiple people fight for hope, some continue to cause destruction for despair.

However, this one such individual fought for neither, nor did it ever matter to him whether Despair or Hope emerged victorious.

He has only a single reason, and that reason is important enough to fight the entire world for.

Standing in the middle of all that destruction, with aching muscles and a slightly shaking frame.

Coming face-to-face in what was supposed to be death, his only response was a smile, and then a laugh.

With a pull from his hand from within his pocket, a switchblade emerged.

One last line would serve as the start of the climax, and the beginning of another story shortly after.

Knowing what's to come, after having that laugh, he only uttered...

"Well then, shall we get started?"


Short Prologue for today!

Most content here would be original works that ties into the canon!

I hope everyone enjoys!

-Mod Ibuki

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