Chapter 4 (1/2)

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[3rd Person POV]

"Ahh... There's nothing happening right now..."

Y/N lay face down in the middle of the floor in his home, the boy had been bored out of his mind for the past few days, having nothing of note happening right now.

Although Kirigiri suggested Y/N that they go shopping before the school semester at Hope's Peak starts, it was months away before just that, so the Information Broker had ample amount of time to do absolutely nothing. All the excitement of everything that's about to happen on that same school year just has to wait, which left Y/N finding the need to do something else.

He rolled and tossed around the floor, just to keep himself from dying out of boredom, when a voice very familiar to him suddenly spoke from above.

"Is that why you have resigned yourself to being a floor mat?"

Looking up, Y/N was met with Celestia Ludenberg's red eyes. She was in a crouched position just above his head, with her cheek resting on her hand, and her elbow resting on her knee. A tender smile was gracing her face as an expression, which might not mean much to others, but just that simple genuine gesture meant the world to the two involved.

"Being floor mat is leagues more interesting than living right now."

Celestia gave a small giggle.

"Mhmm... Then I assume you won't be able to accompany me, then?"

Y/N immediately sat up, and turned to look at the gambler, his eyes already sparkling with interest.

"You're gonna scam people!?"

"That is rather uncouth of you to call it that. There are just a few people who would like to try their luck against me."

"Ooooohhh! When? When?!"

"Tonight. So make sure to dress formally."

The Broker lay back on the ground and stretched both his arms and legs with a happy smile on his face. A simple declaration of victory over his boredom.

Celeste was reminded of their cat, Grand-Bois Cheri Ludenberg, who is currently asleep on the couch nearby.

Y/N stood up from the ground and dusted himself off.

"Must be a pretty dangerous place that you're asking me to come along."

"I have yet to ask, dear. Of course, you are welcome to invite yourself."

"Sneaky. But you already know I'm coming with you either way."

Celeste looked content with Y/N's response and simply hummed a tune.

"Now that I think about it... It's been 4 years, huh?"

Y/N suddenly spoke, Celeste knew exactly what he was talking about, and it's a topic they seldom talk about, although she doesn't mind it coming from him, it's something she prefers to never see the light of day.

"Now what got you reminiscing about the past, dear?"

"I mean, it's a night where you're gambling against dangerous people that got us introduced, right?? Not only that, but we effectively killed someone too. That someone being..."

"I know. Vividly so. But you know how much I detest speaking or being reminded of it."

"Yeah, but look what came out of it! Everything you have now is simply because of that very faithful meeting and the events that unfolded after..."


*3 years ago...*

"I certainly have done it now..."

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