Chapter 3

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[3rd Person POV]

"Can you tell me why we're doing this again?"

"You said you were sus--"


"--picious of both Ikusaba Mukuro and Enoshima Junko, so I decided we should look for any existing file of them, it could help looking into them further if they have been incriminated before, making it easier for us to have a reason to open an investigation: that, and we'd need proof of them being present at the airport, but that would be the easy part."

"I get that, but wouldn't your grandfather try to kill me if he saw me within the Detective Library?"

"I thought you liked to see me work? Besides, I doubt he'd be there, he always stays in the house."

"Whatever you say."

Y/N and Kirigiri walked amongst the crowded area, on their way towards the Detective Library to find information regarding the Future Ultimate Fashionista and the Future Ultimate Soldier, to see if they're liable to be open for investigation, so far, with exception towards Ikusaba Mukuro's affiliation to a Mercenary Group called: "Fenrir", there was nothing both could find, so they set out to the only place that has record of every crime committed by every culprit to every victim to last minute detail.

If even there they can't find anything, then there's nothing they could do until new evidence presents itself.

The Library itself was quiet, having only a handful of people there, presumably with open cases of their own.

Y/N marvelled at the sight, most importantly, how it set Kirigiri into "work-mode" almost instantly. Watching her get ahead of him and immediately started looking amongst the many shelves and drawers.

The broker merely watched her, captivated as he had always been, even going as far as to observe the way strands of her tucked hair fell off her ear and dangled by the side of her face, only for her to tuck them behind her ear once again.

That always gets him.

But remembering that they were supposed to be working together, he shook his head and joined the detective's side.

"By the looks of it, are we going to go through all these alphabetically?"

"No. Only bombing cases."


Y/N wondered how many of these files were "Bombing Cases" it can either be only a handful, or every single file.

"I'm starting to regret looking into this now."

The boy commented, Kirigiri responded by closing the file and putting it back before taking two out of the shelves.

"Only way out is forward. All tests are hard before they're easy."
She said before handing one of the files to him.

"Thanks for the wisdom, Sub-Zero."


"Right, right."

Both continued to look over files to no avail, while there were many cases of bombing, they saw no "Ikusaba Mukuro" or "Enoshima Junko" as culprits.

Kirigiri even started tackling through cases of terrorism just to see if they'd be in it, but none.

After a while, Y/N had been getting rather restless, the detective could tell by how his knees were constantly bouncing up and down whenever he sat, or how he's always walking around while reading through the files.

It took quite a while for them to skim through every file Kirigiri considered important, but eventually, they finished.

Y/N sat against the wall with one of the files covering his eyes, he swore he could still see the letters in the darkness and wondered where he would be able to live normally again.

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