Chapter 5 (2/2)

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[3rd Person POV]

It happened so suddenly, but not surprisingly, it was bound to happen soon, it's just that it was not expected to happen so quickly and overnight.

That is to be expected, especially since she was a particularly underage person trying to make a living underground by gambling, which is an illegal activity that is held by the Yakuza.

Although it is not an ideal life she chose, Taeko has not a single regret living her life the way she did. All for the life she yearns to have.

Speaking of the gambler, when she awoke from her forced slumber, she found herself bound with a cloth tied to her mouth to prevent her from causing a ruckus and calling for help.

She was inside of what seems to be a van, but she has no way of confirming other than the spacious area she lay, then again she's not exactly the largest person, so her assessment of the vehicle is not exactly reliable, but this is the least of her worries now.

Rather than being afraid, Taeko felt irritated how all of these felt cliché, she had thoughts about her death before, but she wanted it to be as graceful as possible, befitting of the image she had built in the past year of her gambling; now here she is, tied in the back of a vehicle waiting to be killed, possibly tortured, and dumped somewhere, waiting to be found and spread all over the news, maybe even not.

She made sure not to make herself being conscious obvious to her kidnappers, the last thing she wants is to hear the voice of whoever has done this to her. She might rupture a vein out of pure anger if that were to happen.

It had been a while since she was completely alone with her thoughts outside of her home. Normally, there was someone panicking in front of her before she laid out all of her cards that would dictate her opponent's loss.

And being this exposed to her own mind... served just how much she's vulnerable to her own self. Taeko always prided on her ability to lie, so much so that she was convinced that she is able to lie to herself flawlessly, but the tears being accumulated on the corners of her eyes was betraying everything she was telling herself, she could only be thankful that nobody else was there to see her.

After all, it's easy to forget that she's merely a teenager, and she's susceptible to being overwhelmed by her own emotions after a certain threshold like any other teenager does.

This served to frustrate Taeko even more, not only was she supposedly walking to her death, her vulnerability was also slowly being unravelled, and without any effort from her captors too.

Just as the gambler was beginning to get devoured by her own thoughts, she felt the vehicle she was in crashed into something, her head bumping onto the seat behind her. And judging by the beeping outside, they seemed to crash into another car.

She heard angered voices, presumably from the person responsible for her kidnapping since she has heard this voice before.

While whatever they were saying was lost on her, she was surprised to have felt another bump in the car, this time, it caused her to look behind her, there she saw a man squished snugly into the car window, smearing blood all over the glass. Taeko needn't look twice to see that this was one of the rich man's bodyguard.

This caused every person inside the car to immediately evacuate due to the complications happening, unsure if this could be considered as mere accidents or a coordinated attack.

Taeko, on pure survival instinct, tried her best to wiggle her way to standing up, which took an ample amount of time. She could hear noises from outside, but it was on the opposite side of the car she was trying to exit out of.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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