Chapter 1

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[3rd Person POV]

Talent, it is an inborn skill or a natural aptitude, some would be highly adept at singing, dancing, inspiring, even something as simple as listening.

And in this particular city, in its center, lies an exceptionally regarded academy, where only the best of the best come in to learn, and when they graduate they're basically set for life.

This is Hope's Peak Academy, a school for the elites that are scouted and deemed worthy enough to attend such a prestigious institution. Normal or Average apparently does not exist here as every single person has a unique character desi-- as every single person has their own quirks and talents that shape their very being.

When you think about it, they value these talents more-so than the humanity of these students, which is no surprise if one was to know what was the reason these Ultimates are being gathered.

Of course, this is an introduction I'm sure everyone has either heard or seen a thousand times already, but rest assured, I will not dwell much on Hope's Peak, not today at least.

Yes, with this Academy as the center of the city of Tokyo, there's bound to be just-as-unique or weird occurrences throughout it all, or perhaps this entire country.

After all, we're in a world full of Ultimates that can wield the power to turn it upside down, so it isn't strange to think that strange things happen even outside of this academy or its ultimates.

It's honestly funny, how special they see themselves as, almost intriguing. When being unique is such a human trait that it boils back down to being ordinary, so when you think about it, everyone's your run-of-the-mill human being.

Ah, but I guess this is something hard to accept, so much so that there's an entire section dedicated to hating these Ultimates; uninteresting people to say the least, their only personality is that they hate another group of people, as if we don't have multiple lifetimes worth of History Books about that taken to the extremes, but hey... Humanity is always doomed to repeat history...

And speaking of repeating history, even those who study and are aware of it are not immune to its effects, it's just that they try harder to prevent it than anyone else which also means that the failure is even heavier.

Such is life...

And in life, there are some things you just have to ask "why?" As everything happens for a reason, and that reason may very well just be an unsatisfactory answer of "Just because."

Which brings us to another point of...


"You see, in this world, there's a line in the sand where things that happen seem to coincide with each other; for example, my name can be considered a bit weird in some places, but it is a coincidence that this particular name suits me perfectly because of the way I was raised, atleast that's what I think."

"How much do you believe in coincidences, I wonder?"

"What am I think about? Ah-hahaha! Everyone probably thinks that things happening around them are mere coincidences... even though that supposed engine failure within that highway the other time near the airport causing an explosion only happened after an unloading..."

"I guess I can't really fault people for thinking so. There are a lot of things that exists if you look for them with the idea that you'll find them. Like nuclear launch codes or even an experimental subject!"

"The real accident here is... mistaking a force of nature as a person, under that guise anyone would take the bait hook, line, and sinker. I'd find out that a military group had recently come back preceding the unfortunate accident, then a new fashion magazine would be issued..."

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