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Hey there demielves (shoutout to Ellie, @A_Fabulous_DemiElf) for the inspiration for that word. Go follow her if you haven't yet.)

Well, as you know from the synopsis, this is a KOTLC+PJO crossover, so if you haven't read PJO or/and KOTLC, I advise you to do that, because there will be spoilers.

my updates will be on spread about, because I have other books I'm doing, like my oneshots and psychological tricks, (and people who are reading those, I am writing as fast as I can. It's easy to do that when your homeschooled.)

background information:

(Spoiler alert)

This will take place after Unlocked and after Trials of Apollo.
Keefe does have his ability. But he hasn't run away. And Sophie did burn down the Neverseen storehouse, but that's about it. It doesn't have anything to do with Stellerlune or anything that will go on in the 9th book. Just Hunkyhairs Ability and nothing more. (Sorry if that doesn't make sense.) and Keefe knows how to talk without turning anybody numb or whatever (*shivers*) though he does have days where he can't control it.

Because we'll all fangirls, you guys are probably like, "are They're gonna be any ships?" And the answers.....yes, there will be. The original ships in the HOO, and TOA, like Percabeth, solangelo, caleo and Jasper, (yes, Jason hasn't died.)
In KOTLC, there will be Sokeefe, because duh, but they're NOT together yet, though Sophie does have a crush on Keefe in this. (Ik, I saved you from chapters of torture where Sophie is oblivious. Though she's still kinda oblivious about Keefe's crush on her.)
So....knowing me and how I'm a hopeless romantic, I will put lots of Percabeth and Sokeefe scenes in here. But there will be lots of blood. (Evil laughter.)

And also, I will be In here, as a Camper. Your see her/me backstory a little later in the book.

I think that's all for information about this, but if you have anything else, I'll tell you guys.

I am so sorry Lilith (@Mother-of-Monsters) that I didn't use your title name, I came up with mine yesterday night and I just felt guilty that I'm not using yours, it was a good title though. Ily.

Love yourself! Because I don't want you pulling a Keefe and doing something reckless but selfless for a friend or a family member. You are amazhang and I hope you know that.

Okay, I think that's it. I'll publish the first chapter....uh.....On the weekend maybe. Or sooner.

Love you to the moon and back! ❤️❤️❤️

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