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Hey, so this will be the first chapter, and this will be Percy's Mind we're gonna dive into. I've never wrote in Percy's POV before, so this is gonna be a challenge. But I'm always up for that, so if Percy isn't the Percy we love, sorry about that.

Okay, here we go.


Percy walked through camp, intending to go to the sword arena, but was stopped by his best friend, Grover Underwood. And he looked nervous, Which made Percy nervous.

"Everything alright Grover?" He stopped in his tracks, and suddenly had a terrible thought. "Wait, did Leo catch my cabin on fire again! Because he's so dead if that's what happened."

Grover smiled, but it didn't look genuine. "No, Percy, he didn't. Though he is on fire right now, but that's because Calypso and Piper scared him, but that's not the point. The point is," he took a deep breath, like he was going to say something that would change the world as he knows it. Which isn't rare, just not another thing Percy wanted to go through. Never again.

Grover exalted, "uh...Chiron has something to tell you. And it may change the world as we know it."

Percy sighed, of course he jinxed it. He really had to get a grip on his thoughts, so as not to jinx anything else, like what if a monster broke the barrier around Camp- shut up brain, I already have a lot going on.

Percy internally shook his head to clear it, "fine, I'll go to the big house. Anything else?"

Grover nodded, "Tyson and Ris wanted to let you know that they want some peanut butter. Ris even said please."

Percy rolled his eyes, "why are they asking me? Why can't someone else get it?"

"Ris specifically said that she wants you to get it. She probably wants to annoy you. Her and Tyson are at the Apollo cabin when you get done with Chiron."

Percy sighed for what felt like the hundredth time, "fine. Ill get them peanut butter after I'm done with Chiron. I'll see you in a bit G-Man."

Grover nodded and weakly smiled, trotted away, and was out of sight fast.

Leo came by, hair still on fire, "hey, Aquaman," was all he said as he walked by, towards the Big House he thought. That must've meant that the others were there too.

"Leo, you got a bit, fire on your"-

"I know Man, I know." Leo grumbled something about his girlfriend and best friend scaring him and continued on towards the Big House.

Percy laughed, glad that he had his friends and Camp to look forward to every summer. Because, jeez, it was hard being a demigod.

Ugh, his ADHD was getting the better if him right now. He forced a breath out of him, sure that whatever Chiron wanted him for wasn't going to be good.

.....time skip to after he gets to the Big House, the 7 are there, including Clarisse and the And Nico and Will.......

"Leo Valdez!" Clarisse shirked as Leo and Percy walked into the Big House, "I know it was you set fire too the roof of the Ares Cabin. I'm going too"-

Chiron wheeled in on his wheelchair, "okay Clarisse, we have to assess the much bigger problem here and not the usual Tricks that Leo does with his fire."

Leo sat down next to piper and Jason in the far corner as Percy sat next to Annabeth and Nico, who was sitting next to Will, who, not so subtly, grabbed Nico's hand under the table.

Nico tried to hide his blush as he said, "what kind of problem, Chiron?"

Please don't let it be another prophecy!" Percy blurted out, and saw that everyone was staring at him. "What!? A guy can hope right?"

"Seaweed Brain, we're demigods." Annabeth said, stating the obvious. "We're be lucky if we survive this week."

Chiron chuckled, and then a solemn expression took over his face, "I'm afraid it's not a Prophecy, but something more that may change our worlds forever."

Percy was thinking that he better say he heard that a million times today when a word caught his attention, but His girlfriend beat him to it by saying, "wait, worlds. plural?"

Chiron sighed, "I'm afraid so. But I can't share the story yet till the others gets here." Chiron sat back in his wheelchair when people started yelling about "what others?" And someone who sounded suspiciously like Nico cussing, which Percy was about to do if Chiron wasn't shushing them.

"Hush children." He waited until they calmed down until he talked, "some campers, on their way to Camp saw a odd group in the City streets fighting a monster, so they suspected they were demigods, but before they could help them and get them safely to Camp, they were attacked by a hellhound, so they had to run to Camp to seek safety." He took a moment for that to to settle in before he started up again. "But I have suspicions that they aren't Demigods. Because Mr. D, who is in touch with the other gods has never felt a presence as strong as this one."

"Maybe they're just stronger demigods then. Nothing we can't handle." Will said, being his usually optimistic self.

"Maybe they are, but we better go find them again so we can bring them here. We don't want any monsters attacking them again." Piper spoke up.

Chiron nodded, "exactly. So a small group of people needs to go out in Manhattan to go find them. I'll let you decide who goes, but you better be ready before dinner. Everyone clear?"

Everyone nodded and stood up to leave, "oh, yeah, and Chiron?" He turned back around to face him.

"Yes Percy?"

He sighed, "Tyson and Ris wants peanut butter. Do you have any?"

Chiron chuckled, always amused by Ris's antics. "There's some in the cabinet by the door. I always store some. Just In case. Ris is....sweet and hard to get at times."

Percy snorted, "tell me about it. Especially her BFF, Eme. (My sister.) they're like...The Troublesome Two."

Chiron chuckled again, "okay, Percy, go on now, I gotta go rest. Today was....eventful. And I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be just like this one."

Percy opened the cabinet and got the peanut butter out, "it sure will." He mumbled, heading outside, but not before looking back to see Chiron have a troubled look on his face.

"It sure will" he repeated, not liking at all what was going to come next.

I hope you like it, I had a bit of writers block, so it was probably boring, but I did my best! What did you think of it?

What do you think is going to happen?

Anyway, I love you guys, stay safe, and be amazing. ❤️❤️❤️😊😊

1153 words

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