Manhatten is a wonderful place, just ignore the monsters...

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So....this is Sophie's POV, and will be taken place when they light leap to Manhattan. Why are they at Manhattan? To find Keefe's mother, and the other Neverseen members, who, unfortunately got out of Exile. Don't tell me how. Just go with it.

Your get more details when I get on with the story.


Sophie winced as her and her friends tumbled out of the light onto the street in a alley. She wanted a entrance where they weren't gonna be heard by the many pedestrians out on the streets, but Keefe being...well Keefe, bumped into Dex right before they stepped into the light, and it created a domino effect on the whole group.

Fitz brushed himself off after standing up, "really Keefe, I have a suspicion that you did that on purpose." He grumbled.

Keefe sat up, "do you really think I would do that Fitzypoo, because I wouldn't." He put his hand to his heart dramatically. Making Everyone in there group roll there eyes as Sophie went over and held out her hand for Keefe, who took it a hoisted himself up.

Sophie instantly pulled her hand away and took a step back, trying to ignore the butterfly's in her stomach as soon as their fingers touched. She was having that sensation more and more these days, since she found out she had a-

A voice interrupted her thoughts, "okay, Lady Fos-Boss, we're are we going?" She heard Dex's voice say.

Sophie looked up to she all of them looking at her, like she new where they were, which she did. She managed to memorize a map of NYC before they got here. And she took it with her just In case.

Sophie looked towards the end of the ally where it opened up to the street, "I don't know exactly. But didn't Mr. Forkle say that Lady Gisela might've went to the Empire State Building?"

Keefe stood beside her, "I don't know where the heck that is, but let's go there." He had a kind of steel expression on his face he only had on when he was talking about his mother. Like he was afraid, but ready to take on anything.

Sophie took his hand and squeezed it, knowing Keefe would find comfort in it. He did, and he squeezed her hand back, "I call being Fosters Bodyguard, since sanders not here! He yelled.

Sophie rolled her eyes, but was secretly glad that Keefe was still holding on to her hand when they took a step into the sunny air.

"Biana, do you have the obscurer with you?" Sophie turned around to look at her.

"Yup" she held out a black ball about the size of her palm, "got it."

Sophie turned to the others, "okay, follow me you guys, I don't want you to get lost." She turned ahead again and walked out into the street. She never been to New York City before, but she'd seen pictures, and she felt like she could live here if she wasn't an Elf.

As they walked, Keefe must've picked up on her emotions, "hey Foster, look up." He pointed towards a skyscraper, the light bouncing off the windows and reflecting in there eyes, "even though the air a smells bad, I gotta say, its not bad."

She smiled, somewhat mischievously, "cant wait for you to see the Empire State Building. And if you come here in winter, it's magical, with the Christmas tree and all the lights, its"- she stopped when she saw Keefe looking at her, "what?"

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" He looked away, and mumbled something that she couldn't make out. Before she could ask him about it, she crashed into somebody.

She opened her mouth to apologize, but Keefe pulled on her arm, "um, Foster...." he sounded like he was about to have a heart attack. She looked at him strangely before looking up at what she thought was a pedestrian but was actually-

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