A Horrible Birthday

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A week passed and they got stronger.Everyone helped them achive Bankai and they had the strength of a vice captain.

They also had their very unique abilities like Akizas Bankai was 'Blossom in the spring Black Rose Dragon', Crows was 'Roar loudly in the darkness rise Blackwing Dragon'.

Leo's was 'Technology is the key to everything charge from the power, Power Tool Dragon'.Luna's was 'Come to the future from the spirit world Ancient Fairy Dragon'.

Jack's was 'Arise from the pits of hell and fly through the sky Red Dragon Achfiend'. And Yusei's had two swords one was white and blue which was 'Come down from the shining stars above soar Stardust Dragon',and the other one was red and yellow which was' From the heavens the mighty hath come to lead,guide us with your power Crimson Dragon''.

They all got better and better at fighting and were winning some battles with other people.

Yusei was the strongest out of them with him already being a soul reaper by birth.And also other reasons,Yamamoto told the others about his unique powers that no one has ever seen or felt,but they had to protect him with their lives.No one told Yusei about it.

................June 1st,2013.....................

It was a beautiful morning in the Soul Society.Everyone except Yusei was at a meeting talking." Silence,now what are we gonna do for Yusei's birthday today?"Yamamoto asked looking at Jack."I don't know usually he doesn't celebrate it."Jack said looking down knowing why.

"Ya Jack's right about that,Yusei just stays in his room all day and doesn't come out until the morning after his birthday and I think thats a little fishy if you ask me."Crow said leaning back on Akizas shoulder.

They all nodded in agreement and started figuring out ways to celebrate his birthday.

............At Byakuya's Manor............

"Yusei get up happy birthday, happy birthday!"Stardust yelled jumping on his bed.Yusei groaned and wiggled under his covers."Good morning Yusei Happy birthday how are you feeling?" Crimson asked politely. " Horrible"he answered looking at them smiling sadly.They looked at him then at each other.

Stardust felt his forehead and his hand caught on fire."Damn Yusei you're burning up!"Stardust yelled getting water to pour on him,but it turned to steem.

The room suddenly set on fire and Yusei sat up looking around and looked down and saw a big 'Q' in the middle of his bed and wind started blowing in the room and 'Q's' started to appear on his body and before darkness took over he heard a watery voice."Time for me to play".

............At the meeting room............

Everyone was decorating the hall when suddenly they felt crushing spiritual pressure that was very strong.They all fell to the ground gasping.Jack felt Yusei's spiritual pressure along with the unknown one.Jack flash stepped as fast as he could to Byakuya's manor.

When they got there the manor was burned down and Yusei was laying in the middle of the place face down on the ground.

Jack was about to go and help him but Kisuke stopped him and shook his head with wide eyes.Jack heard a watery laugh that made him shiver in fear.He turned around and saw Yusei getting up.

They all gasped when they saw a red,black and silver mask on his face. The white of his eyes were black and the middle was yellow and he was smiling insanely.

"Well,well,well would you look what the cat dragged in.Would you like me to kill you or eat you oh I can't choose its too much!not haha!"Yusei said in a watery voice and laughed like an insane person.

He disappeared and reappeared behind then faster than any could follow and in one swing they all fail over.He was about to stab Luna,but screamed in his watery voice in pain."I will NOT allow you to hurt my friends and family!"he yelled taking the mask off.

His eyes turned ocean blue and he shook his head and and felt his face.Jack went over there and grabbed him and forced him to look into his eyes.

"Why?"Jack asked angrily." Its no of your business Jack thats why"Yusei said forming Jack's hand off his face angrily."Don't give me that shit Yusei!of course its my business I'm your boyfriend dammit!" "And like I said Jack its none of your business!" " Yusei God I can't stand your stupidness sometimes!" "Well I can't stand an arrogant bastard like you!" "At least I'm liked by people!" "I HATE YOU!GO TO HELL JACK ATLAS OR SHOULD I SAY JACKASS CUZ THATS WHAT YOU AREEEE!!" "DO YOU THINK I GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY FUDO YOU KNOW WHAT ITS OVER YOU UNGRATEFUL IDIOT AND TO THINK I LOVED YOU!"Jack said shoving Yusei out the way and flashed stepped away.

Yusei screamed angrily and started cussing in Mexican kicking the ground and stomping around.Renji tapped on him and he turned around eyes red and he was on fire."What do you want!"Yusei yelled angrily at him.Renji and the others captains including Yamamoto shrunk afraid of answering.

They looked at Ichigo come running towards them and sent up a thanks of prayer for the blacknetes best friend.

"Yusei please calm down!breath in take deep breaths......there that's it......youre doing good...now tell me what happen." Ichigo said calming him down.

"Jack dumped me just because I didn't tell him about my little situation I have with my inner hollow."Yusei said looking at him.

"Oh,but you did tell him like tow days ago remember when you lost control fighting me and I showed you how to control it." Ichigo said calmly.

"Oh yeah" Yusei said looking down sadly."Its going to be Ok.I know he didn't mean it."Ichigo said hugging him. "I think...i just can't right now I'm going for a walk please no one follow me i......want to be alone." Yusei said walking towards the woods.

Yamamoto cleared his throat and everyone looked at him.He shifted his head telling Byakuya silently to calm Jack down.

Byakuya nodded and kissed Ichigo on the forehead and disappeared. It started to rain and they knew Yusei was upset so they followed him anyway.

They found him in a field full of flowers sitting there with his head in his hands.Yamamoto stopped them and moved forward and sat by him.

"Today is a very special day isn't it?I assume you know what I'm talking about birthday boy."Yamamoto said calmly.

"I don't care about it, I wish I was never born! I have never been normal or liked in my whole entire life!so I should be better off dead or not even born!"he said pulling on his hair.

"You cannot change the past Yusei, dwell in the future its not good to dwell in the past."Yamamoto said."Easy for you to say old man!you haven't even had a life like mine!" Yusei yelled angrily at him.

"Yusei look at this field do you see how the flowers are blooming from the rain,this is your first relationship with someone yes?" Yamamoto asked already know in the answer.

" Ya it is this is Jacks their time in a relationship." Yusei said looking the
flowers."Then don't worry,you wil find true love again,but be patient." he said looking at Yusei.

"Yeah I guess you're right thanks Yamamoto."Yusei said looking up at him."No problem its what I do best." he answered smiling.

" Well today was the worst day of my life so now in going to bed goodnight." Yusei said leaving."Well this day did not go as I expected it." Yamamoto said signing.

They all agreed with him shaking their heads signing.

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