Ichigo's easy birth experience

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It was 6am when Ichigo woke up feeling slightly odd in his stomach. He felt something wet come from his opening that formed because he was half hollow.

He looked down and saw water and gasped embarrassly. "Bya, wake up I think my water just broke" he whispered calmly shaking his husband awake.

Byakuya was always a light sleeper so when he felt movement on the bed he was already awake."What!" He yelled getting up fast and ran out the room to get help.


Yusei was asleep on Aizen still exhausted from their love making the other night. Aizen was awake smiling lazily pulling his lover close.

Someone banged on the door and Aizen got up slowly not wanting to wake Yusei up,but it was to late since the banging woke him up.

Aizen kissed his forehead and put on his robe and went to the door thinking it was Nel who probably had another bad dream.

He saw a flushed panting Byakuya standing there looking excited and scared. "Sousuke! Ichigo is in labor and I need you and Yusei to help me! If Yusei is there I know the birth won't hurt him since Yusei can stop the pain." He said.

"Yusei, Ichigo is having the baby now-" before he could finish his lover was already dragging him and Byakuya running to the room.

Yusei went in and knelt down beside Ichigo and grabbed his hand." Big bro, are you in pain,are you hurt?" He asked looking at Ichigo and Ichigo smiled.

"No Little Star...im fine now,all I need is some popcorn and I'm good" he said waving his hand around. Yusei giggled then called Isshin,Ichigo's dad and Yusei's other father.

Isshin busted in with tears of joy running down his face."ICHIGOOOO MY BEAUTIFUL SON!DADDY'S HERE TO DELIVER YOUR FIRST BORN!FINALLY I GET TO BE A GRANDFATHER!!" He said hugging Ichigo tightly.

Ichigo got an annoyed tick mark on his head and kicked his dad into the wall." Dammit old man keep it the fuck down!can't you see I'm in labor here!" He yelled and Yusei giggled.

"YUSEI'S HERE TOO!OH THE GODS MUST HAVE ANSEERED MY PRAYERS!YUSEI MY OTHER BEAUTIFUL SON!" He yelled about to hug him,but a foot went into his face.

Grimmjow stood there pissed off for being waken up by the idiot." Yusei,please continue" he said winking at him.

"Alright Ichigo,close your eyes and breath...yes just like that. I'm going to make this painless Ok?" Yusei said smiling.

" Okay I trust you Little Star" Ichigo answered starting to sweat. Yusei nodded his head and rested his hands on Ichigo's stomach and closed his eyes.

Nothing happened for 10 minutes straight and Aizen started to worry about Ichigo and Yusei, but then the whole room went bright from the shining of Yusei's eyes and hair.

He started to move his hands around Ichigo's stomach and smiled." Ichigo, your not having a child your having twins its a girl and a boy. They're alright,so don't worry yourself. Now, I need you to push on three Ok?" He said.

Ichigo nodded his head and grasped Byakuya's hand." One,two, three push." Ichigo pushed and the first born came out which was the boy who had black hair.

"Alright, now push on three you're almost through one more to go, do you need a break?" Yusei asked smiling. Ichigo shook his head determined to deliver his child.

"Okay,one ,two, three push." He pushed and girl came our crying, she had orange hair like Ichigo's. Ichigo smiled and Yusei healed his wounds and stopped the bleeding then wiped the babies off wrapping then in a soft blanket.

He gave Ichigo the boy and Byakuya the girl. Ichigo smiled crying tears of joy and his smile brightened finally finding the perfect name for his princess." Joy,Masika, Kuchiki" he said tiredly.

Byakuya smiled at his lover before giving the boy his name."Suki, Gabriel, Kuchiki" he said smiling then chuckled when Suki grabbed his finger.

" Yusei,thank so much-" Ichigo was saying before Yusei fell out from using too much power. Aizen ran over to him and picked him up.

Yusei smiled and cuddled closer to the heat purring softly. Ichigo smiled before giving his crying dad Joy and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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