☆ 1- "whos this?" ☆

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@ jakelovespeaches added 14 others

jake: who's this?

daisy: huh?

drew: wtf

zander: why am i here?

hailey: zander you're here too?

luke: zander??

drew: im leaving if someone doesn't explain what's going on

jake: WAITT don't leave yet let me explain 😭

milly: what why am I here?

jake: I just got a new phone and everyone I just added into this gc is in my contacts so can you just tell me your names so I know who you are?

zander: no way. I'm leaving byee

luke: me too

milly: same

* @ alexanderwickham and 4 others have left the chat *

jake: oh my god...

* @ jakelovespeaches has added         @ alexanderwickham and 4 others *

drew: stop.

henry: huh, whats going on 💀 why am I in here🤭

zander: are you just gonna keep on adding us back?

jake: yep!! :)

hailey: I'm about to block him.

zander: that's a good idea, why didn't I think of that hailey! 😁


luke: and why shouldn't we block you?

jake: uhhh

jake: because I want to be friends! There must be some reason why I have your contacts 😟

daisy: that's true! let's all be freinds! :D

zander: I don't trust you guys. You could be 40 years old for all I know.

drew: I agree

Henry: fr. How did you even get our contacts in the first place, seems a bit fishy...👀

jake: I'm 17.

milly : hmmm how  do we know you're not lying?🧐

luke: exactly.

jake: do you guys wanna see my driver's license or something? 😭

milly: nahhh I trust ya. Idk why a 40 year old would add me to a gc for no reason.

jake: look you guys can check my Instagram page to see how old I seem to you guys.

zander: let me see...

drew: I believe him. Although I can't see your face anywhere on your page those are not hands of a 40 year old man.

Jake: FINALLY. Someone believes me.

Henry: yeah he's definitely not 40 I know my hands😏

Hailey: weird...I suppose I believe you but I have no idea HOW you got my number AND my Instagram.

Jake: easy, Instagram suggests accounts based off of your contacts. I just followed all of you and added you in this gc!! ☺

Zoey: what the fuck!! Who are you people...LMAO.

Liam: uhh who are you guys?

Zander: read up.

Henry: so I guess we're just all gonna stay in this gc?


Jake: shut up.

Liam: woah she has 1M followers!!

Zoey: ofc I do boo!! I'm not low life whores like the rest of you guys😜

Milly: who are you calling a low life whore?

Zoey: you duhh!! 🥰 can you not read? 😂

Milly: I'm really starting to NOT like this "Zoey" girl.

Hailey: same

Zoey: I don't give a fuck!! XoXo!! 🤑

Lia: who are yall wtf.

Luke: read up.

Jake: so just to confirm...everyone is 17...right?

Milly: I'm 15

Zander: I think everyone else is 17 though

Zoey: oh..you guys are in highschool? I thought this was the sugar daddy gc I requested to join. 🤭

Henry: HUH?? BAHAH

Hailey: lord...

Jake: does this look like a- you know what...nvm💀


lia: would you mind adding me to that?😙

Zoey: sure boo! 🤗

Drew: nah...wtf...

Jake: I'm going to bed !!

Hailey: same it's pretty late.

Jake: gn!

Drew: goodnight random dude.



word count: 598


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