☆ 2- blacktober. ☆

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October 1st 5:48PM

Jake: today was my first day at my new school😍

Hailey: first day of school in October?

Jake: we just moved.

Hailey: oh.

Daisy: how did it go? :)

Jake: it was bad but the most important part is....

Luke: is...?

Jake: I got detention!! 😍

Henry: on your first day???

Zoey: your a bad boy aren't you😏 that's how I like my men🤭🥰😘

Jake: not interested.

Zoey: like I would date you, whore!! 😂

Milly: I'm curious, what did you do? Beat someone up? Cuss at the teacher?😍

Jake: no, but I bumped into this stupid boy and he gave me a black eye.

Luke: what a coincidence, my boyf- I MEAN zander got suspended for a day because he beat up a kid because a kid bumped into him.

Hailey: I'm sorry that happened to you Jake.

Liam: hold up..Luke, were you about to say boyfriend??

Luke: uhh no....

Henry: sounds suspicious🧐


Drew: it's hispanic heritage month...

Lia: nigga what.

Jake: what's blacktober?😶

Henry: WHAT

Drew: are you stupid?

Hailey: how do you not know what that is...


Lia: hold on....

Jake: ???

Lia: "October is Black History month in the UK, which also coincides with #blacktober, a month-long event that celebrates and promotes Black and Mixed Black representation and creators' works"

Drew: did you just get that from Google?

Lia: yes :)

Drew: well we don't live in the UK

Lia: idgaf!! 😍

Zoey: #girlboss #slay #atehimup

Lia: ty boo!!

Jake: why did you say it's blacktober

Sean: because why not.

Jake: who are you?

Sean: I'm sean.

Drew: he meant, who are you and why haven't we seen you text in here since he made this gc yesterday.

Sean: I'm Sean Everett 18 years old and my current currency is working part time at a pizza delivery man and a teacher assistant while I save up for college, I'm a very busy man and I haven't checked my phone all day because it was dead.

Liam: we didn't need a whole life story dude.

Drew: ong.

Milly: wait I know you....


Milly: arent you that cool guy who tutors me on saturdays?

Sean: if you name is millicent brooks. then yes.

Milly: Jake, why did you put me in a gc with my tutor?

Jake: he was in my contacts😭

Elliot: who's this?

Zander: READ UP.

Milly: don't be so harsh dude. That's not very poggers of you.

Drew: What. The fuck. Is "poggers".

Jake: pfft-  he doesn't know simple twitch phrases

Drew: im a man of culture. I don't do that twitch shit

Henry: what's wrong with twitch😥

Zander: everything.

Drew: ^^^

Zoey: ...

Zoey: does anyone wanna cashapp me 100$ for my nudes and feet pics😍

Henry: WHAT.


Milly: MAAM??

Elliot: oh.

Lia: Me!! 😁

Liam: This is making me homophobic...and I'm gay...

Zander: same.

Milly: me too dude

Drew: litteraly.

Henry: "You're one of dem QUEERS🤔🧐" HAHAHA

Daisy: what's going on?😰

Zoey: oopsie!! Wrong groupchat lovelies!! Meant to send this to my sugar daddy one!! 🥰😘☺😊😇

Jake: oh my god...

Hailey: how old are you guys again?

Drew: stfu hailey.

Zander: what's your problem.

Luke: no litteraly.

Drew: she's annoying as shit.

Henry: Fight! Fight! Fight!

Zoey: I agree drewy! She's a annoying low life whore.

Zander: I will kill all of you.

Luke: let's not get ahead of ourselves now baby- I MEAN zander.

Henry: there's definitely something romantic going on between those two

Liam: litteraly.

Jake: who wants to do video call!!

* @ jakelovespeaches requested a video call to 14 others *

read by @ henrylettucebrain and 14 others

* nobody joined the video call *

Jake: aw man :(

read by @ liamlovesmilfs and 14 others



word count: 654


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