Chapter Fifteen

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Evangeline could have cut the air with a knife. All she could do was sit very uncomfortably next to Marak, who still had a hand stubbornly wrapped around her waist. Her mother was sitting across from them on the opposite couch, taking a long sip from the tea that had been provided.

When Solomon had first brought them to the room, her mother had been hysterical. She was screaming at guards to let her out of the room, demanding to see her daughter. And when she saw her, Rosa had been able to push past the guards and run to her. Thankfully, Marak allowed her to step away and pulled her mother into a hug.

But she didn't say a word to Marak, only glaring at him with an anger Evangeline had never seen before. Marak didn't acknowledge it, merely dismissing Solomon and the guards so they could chat without interruptions.

Yet, even after they left and some servants had brought some tea and snacks only moments ago, Rosa didn't say a word to Marak. It was almost as if she were ignoring him, which only made Evangeline more anxious. Even if she was her mother, Marak was still the emperor. And Rosa had always shown him respect, even when he was the vilified fourth prince. It made little sense for her not to, even if she was upset.

Finally, her mother placed the cup down onto the table in between them. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at Marak with a dark scowl and said, "You took my daughter from me."

"She came on her own."

"She is a commoner; how could she refuse a summons from the emperor?"

"Mother..." Evangeline's anxious voice made Rosa turn to her, her expression immediately softening. "I-I know this is a shock-!"

"A shock? No, it was a shock when you were summoned here. When Sebastian's letter arrived, I thought my heart had stopped!"


"Did you think I would hurt her?" Marak demanded, eyes narrowed at the older woman. His tone skyrocketed Evangeline's anxiety, looking between him and her mother. Rosa never had the best health, and she feared if Marak upset or agitated her too much, it would send her over the edge.

Yet, despite his icy gaze, Rosa didn't falter. "You killed your own family in cold blood. Why wouldn't I believe my daughter would receive special treatment?"

Marak snarled, his tail twitching. "Even if you are Eve's mother, you will show me respect as your emperor."

"You're nothing but a-!"


Rosa and Marak both turned to Evangeline, who had stood up. She knew her mother had a lot to say, but she didn't want her saying something she would regret and get herself into trouble. She had seen how Marak could be; he wasn't the most forgiving. And she doubted he would be, even for her mother.

She walked over to her, gently taking her hands as she sat down beside her. "Mother, please. It's all right. Mar-His Majesty hasn't hurt me. You don't need to worry, he's treated me well."

"He forced you into this marriage!"

Evangeline bit her bottom lip. Yes, this marriage was not her idea, and Marak had made it clear that he wouldn't accept no for an answer. After his genuine confession, she had somewhat come to terms with the idea of being his wife. Of course, she still had plenty of reservations. Not to mention that she didn't know her own feelings yet.

Still, Rosa was making it seem as if Marak were keeping her imprisoned. That she was being forced against her well or something heinous like that. And while Marak made it clear this marriage would happen, she didn't completely hate the idea.

"Mother, I'm fine," she assured her, giving her hands a squeeze. "You don't need to worry, I'm being treated well here, and everyone is very nice and supportive."

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