Chapter Thirty-Four

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Evangeline had finally gotten her strength back after a few days. She still needed to be careful with her injuries, so she didn't move around too much. She would also get tired quickly, but at least she had been able to finally get out of bed and walk around. Her ladies-in-waiting were always by her side when she did, as well as two guards. And any time she felt even a little weak, she would be guided to a chair and made to sit down before being offered some water or food.

It was a little smothering, but she didn't say anything about it. They were all just worried about her. She appreciated the concern too. It made her feel safer, and put her mind at ease. And when she was with Marak, her worries would disappear completely. The way he would hold her as she slept left her at peace, and she could cling to him tightly to get a good night's rest.

Of course, whenever he would leave, her worries would return. Mostly about the upcoming execution. As far as she was aware, Lamia and her comrades were still imprisoned and waiting to be executed. No one said it, but Evangeline had figured they were being tortured at Marak's will. And considering how long he would be gone for throughout the day, she had to assume he was partaking in her suffering.

Her worries extended beyond Lamia too. She was still concerned about Claude and Solomon. Claude was supposedly doing much better now, but he had yet to get out of bed. According to Skylar, Marak was still debating on whether or not to punish him. As for Solomon, the healers were shocked that he was still alive. He would often drift in and out of consciousness, sometimes coherent and sometimes not. But he was in pain, and not getting any better, despite everything the mages were doing.

She wasn't sure how Marak would have felt about it, but she decided to go see Claude. None of her ladies-in-waiting attempted to talk her out of it, so she had to assume it was fine. And even if it wasn't, she still wanted to see him. She could deal with Marak later if necessary.

So there she was, in the infirmary where dozens of other soldiers still lay injured or sleeping. The ones that were awake seemed to be doing okay. As Skylar had told her, this was the recovery ward. These were all the soldiers and mages who were able to get out of the fight with more treatable injuries.

As for Claude, he was in a private room that was guarded by two soldiers. It made her a little upset to see him being treated like a prisoner, but she also knew that Marak was still debating on whether or not she wanted to punish him. At least he hadn't done anything yet, but she was still nervous he would change his mind.

She had the guards and her ladies-in-waiting remain outside the room. They had attempted to protest, but she forced them to agree. She needed to speak with Claude alone. It was easier for them to be open and honest with each other without all the onlookers.

She sat on a chair pulled up next to his bed. Claude was sitting up right, leaning back against the pillows. He didn't look at her, his eyes locked on the sheets. Whether it was because he was ashamed to look her in the eye or angry for being treated this way after all he suffered, she wasn't sure. But she didn't push him to look at her. They merely discussed how he was recovering and what his plans were once he was able to leave.

"You really intend to stay here?"

And he was still upset over the fact that she didn't want to leave with him. She wouldn't argue with him about it though. She had made her decision. It was up to him to actually accept it.

"I'm the empress, Claude. My place is here."

"Even if you don't want to be here?"

"I do want to be here," she stressed. "I... want to stay with my husband. And raise our child together. I know after everything that happened, I should be afraid or untrusting, but..." A small smile came to her face as she rested a hand on her stomach. "I'm not. I'm... I'm happy here."

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