Chapter Twenty-Four

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A couple of days had passed since that night, and she hadn't seen Marak once. He apparently had "urgent matters" to attend to, so they hadn't been having their meals together. And since they weren't sharing a room, she never saw him at night either. She had a feeling that his "urgent matters" were a lie, but she didn't question it. If he wanted space to genuinely consider what she had to say, then she would allow it. If he was just avoiding her, then that was a different discussion.

Currently, she was avoiding her responsibilities by hiding out in the library. She had some of her work with her, but she wasn't really doing any of it. She was sitting by the window in the large comfortable armchair with an open book in her lap. It was a book about the Sharith empire, something Zevine had insisted she brush up on. She had tried to concentrate, but gave up halfway to stare at the window.

She still hadn't heard anything from Marak. Unless his silence was his answer to her plea. He certainly hadn't given any new orders to the guards. Wherever she went, if Skylar wasn't with her, she had two with at all times. Even now, she could see them both standing guard out of the corners of her eyes. Perhaps this would really be her life until Lamia was caught.

"Well, you're looking quite glum today, Your Majesty."

The voice made her turn. Her eyes widened when she saw Duke Belvoz enter the area. The guards noticed him and stood at attention, greeting him with a bow. Quickly, she closed her book and attempted to stand up. "Duke Belvoz, I-!"

But he held up a hand as he approached, which kept her seated. Though she was taken aback when he gave a small bow to her. "Remember, I'm your subject now, so I'll be doing the bowing from now on."

"I, um..."

He chuckled before he gestured to a chair across from her. "May I join you?"

"Oh-! Um, yes... Yes, please."

"Thank you." He sat down just as she placed the book onto the end table next to her. "How are you doing, my dear? I've heard you've been... feeling a little cooped up lately."

Evangeline sighed. She wasn't sure how much Belvoz actually knew, but since he did seem close to Marak, he definitely knew something. "That's one way to put it," she said softly.

"I heard about Lamia's attack on you," he said. "Are you doing well?"

She nodded. "Lady Skylar protected me."

"And then the emperor locked you up, huh?"

She bit her bottom lip, looking away from him for a moment.

"I went to see him this morning," he said, answering her unasked question. "He told me everything... Including the fact that you actually defied him a couple nights ago."

"... Do you think I was wrong?"

He surprised her when he shook his head, even chuckling.  "His Majesty is a stubborn mule, and can make some... rash decisions. Of course, those decisions mainly seem to pertain to you."

Evangeline rubbed the back of her neck, sighing. She couldn't find it in her to argue with that. But she was relieved that Belvoz didn't seem hostile towards her. Considering how many times she had been warned about nobles, it was nice to know that a powerful noble like himself was on her side. Or, at the very least, tolerated her.

"Should we go see him?"

"Huh-?" She snapped out of her thoughts to see the demon standing up, holding out his hand to her.

"Come," he said. "He's not getting any work done. He never does when he's busy brooding. I think a proper discussion is in order, don't you?"

"But..." She glanced at the two guards in the room, who were also eyeing the duke suspiciously. "I'm not supposed to leave the west wing."

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