Chapter Thirty-Six

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Evangeline sat at her chair and stared out the library window. A book remained opened in her lap, but she hadn't read a word. She just stared out into the distance, past the garden and into the trees. She probably should have been continuing her lessons with her ladies-in-waiting, but she wasn't in the correct headspace for it.

Not to mention her ladies-in-waiting were busy with their own families and the aftermath of Lamia's demise. Families of soldiers needed to be taken care of, estates of the criminalized nobles needed to be seized and sorted, mages and healers were still dealing with the wounded... Even Marak was swamped with work, cleaning up the messes of the disgraced families and completing the paperwork necessary to ensure they would never return to Sharith.

Everyone was busy and had so many things to take care of. Meanwhile, she was only told to rest and recover. The doctors were still cautious about her pregnancy; the miscarriage rate of human-demon children was much higher than the average. But her injuries were getting better, and her bruises were starting to fade as well. Even the scars on her back were beginning to fade; at least she wouldn't have permanent scarring like she had on her legs and chest.

She sighed, leaning back against the chair. Claude had left yesterday. With his injuries healed and the doctors giving the okay, a carriage had been arranged for him. She had thought about seeing him off, but there wasn't a point. They had already said their goodbyes... but she did have Vala give him a final letter, wishing him well and thanking him for everything.

There was a bit of regret, but it was better this way. Marak had banished him from the capital, and they would go on to live their separate lives. They would never see each other again. His life was meant to be in Oakenfort, and she was meant to be here, with Marak.

Though it had been a few days since she last spoke with him. The night of Lamia's death, she had managed to get him to calm down enough to bring him to the bed. They didn't speak much, mostly her shushing him and saying whatever comforting words she could offer.  He merely clung to her, almost afraid to let go. Even when he fell asleep, exhausted by it all, he held her close.

But then morning had come, and he was gone. He didn't even have meals with her, busy with everything else. She had originally thought he was avoiding her. Yet, every night, she would wake up to him crawling into bed and spooning her before they both fell asleep again. Perhaps he was just too busy and couldn't take much time to spend with her.

"Your Majesty?"

Snapping from her thoughts, she turned to see Catherine approach. The maid curtsied before reaching over to take her untouched tea from the table. "Was... the tea not to your liking?"

"Oh, no, no..." Evangeline shook her head, shutting her book. "I... just don't have much of an appetite."

"Is it morning sickness?"

She shook her head again. It was only coming up to the eighth week, still early in her pregnancy. She would get tired easily, but she was fortunate enough not to have any morning sickness. Her mother said she never suffered from it either, so she hoped that she would be the same. "I'm fine, Catherine. I just have... a lot on my mind."

Catherine nodded in understanding. "More gifts of congratulations have arrived, my lady. Did you wish to open them?"

Rght. Ever since Marak had announced her pregnancy so unexpectedly, nobles had been sending gifts and letters to her. And, according to Priscilla and Skylar, the gifts were much grander than anything Lamia or previous empresses had received during their first pregnancy. After the executions, the nobles were quite eager to remain on Marak's good side.

"Not now." Evangeline glanced out the window again, her eyes finding the Magi Tower in the distance. "Is Solomon's body still being held in the tower?"

"Yes, Your Grace. They are keeping it preserved until you make a decision."

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