Chapter one: Beginings

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Chapter one. Beginnings

They say Time heals all wounds. It was a phrase Tadashi didn't always understand but seeing his brother Satoshi and his new boyfriend Felix happy despite sato almost becoming a drone himself.  He was begining to get it, it had been almost 5 months since their encounter with the Borg in the Gamma Quadrant. Starfleet once more debriefed the fuck outta them and took custody of the two Borg drones they had rescued. Felix and a Man named Tor  Felix had been Human and one of the humans assimilated at wolf 359. Tor was from a species in the Delta Quadrant. The debrief was thankfully shorter then the last especially when the founders reached out and Odo offered gratitude for the return of one of his people 

Now it was time to once again seek out a sense of normal. With his new crew Tadashi resumed their job of running cargo for the Bajorans it wasn't the most exciting of task but it was a well paid one. They often docked with DS9  got to make friends with some of the other local freighter crews and just enjoy their lives.

Everyone seemed content.

Looking around his bridge Tadashi observed his crew. Vanessa at the helm running a diagnostic, Xall taking apart a console, Felix and Sato sat at a science station pretending to work but Tadashi knew sato was flirting.  Felix had proven rather valuable. Being a former starfleet officer he had infacg served on a Miranda class vessel as a Junior Engineer. Then there was Thrall his andorian boyfriend and soon to be husband.  They hadn't figured out a official date yet but after the hell on that Borg sphere and almost loosing thrall for the second time Tadashi proposed and thrall said yes

Again things seemed like they were returning to normal.

"Approaching deep space nine" Vanessa spoke out snapping Tadashi out of his thoughts. He sat up in his chair and gazed out at the circular station growing larger upon the screen

"Ops has cleared us for docking and welcome us home" Thrall added as everyone turned to watch the docking sequence come to completion with a loud thud as the Hyashi connected with a airlock

"Alrighty guys another successful trip!. Drinks at quark's in lets say 20 mins?" Tadashi asked

"Sounds good to me Quark owes me four strips from that last tongo game" Vanessa answered. "Yep I'm in to" Thrall added on. "As much as I'd enjoy joining you all for a well deserved break. I believe me and my wife are going to enjoy a simple stroll through the promonade." Xall commented.

"Me and Felix are gonna enjoy a holosuite together so maybe later bro" Sato said,. "guess it's just us three then alright remember we got about 3 days before our next contract so don't party to hard " Tadashi spoke rising from his chair. "make sure everything is powered down and locked up who ever leaves last this is deep space nine I don't need to return to my ship being stripped"

"God you make it sound like we're in the ghetto or something" Vanessa laughed .  "Ghetto no but this is one of the busiest sectors around full of all sorts of people criminals included. And we ain't Starfleet so I can't count on them keeping a complete watchful eye on my ship even if it's a Miranda. Ok let's go!"

One by one they All filed into the two turbo lifts on either side.  On deep space nine Tadashi stepped out from the airlock and took a deep breath "ah that recycled air from a cardassian air system. Smells homey.."  thrall took one step then gave a look of concern before teasingly shoving at Tadashi "what ever you been drinking I'll take some if you think this stations air smells nice." He said before taking Tadashi hand and leading on towards the Lift

"Forgive me for enjoying something different we were out on that cargo run for over a month. Feels nice getting back to civilization " Tadashi replied. "If you think this station is the definition of civilization we need your eyes checked by the infirmary" Thall laughed

Stepping into the turbolift they gave the command for it to take them to the Promonade.  These next few days were dedicated soley for some necessary R&R

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