new begining

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A few months had gone by.  Paperwork meeting people and getting his crew adjusted to the Starfleet life

Tadashi stood in front of a mirror nervously tugging at his new uniform.  It didn't quite feel right, maybe it was too tight?  A sigh escaped him as he gazed at the four golden pips on his collar

Maybe it was because he didn't feel as though he deserved this? He was a cargo captain in charge of 5 now today he was a Starfleet Captain in charge of 450 and in command of a legendary starship

The cover story Jefferies reminded him of was that this was simply a older refit Excelsior that had been recommissioned from the USS Dallas to the USS Excelsior-A in honor of Admiral Sulu and that knowledge of her being in fact a duplicate was classified which made sense in a way

Well it was time to go. They had their first assignment which ironically enough was to Escort his old ship back to earth to deliver something that the Bajorans we're giving to The Federation, some sort of diplomatic gift in gratitude for Entry into the Federation.  Yep Bajor was now a part of the Federation it only took what? Almost a decade and a full scale war

Taking a deep breath Tadashi exited his room and out into a corridor filled with other starfleet crew.  That alone was taking some getting used to. He wasn't used to seeing so many people aboard a ship.

"Captain!" A voice called out startling Tadashi turning around to see this short Hispanic boy rush up to him almost gasping for breath

"Uh.. hi?" Tadashi said curiously looking him over "you look a bit young to be here"

"Oh right sorry hi. I'm 25! Lt Raul Gonzalez! I'm your new science officer and I must say it's such an honor to be here. My father served on the Original Excelsior so when he heard I got picked to serve as her official successor boy. He's proud of me and in proud of myself and I also tend to talk a lot so I'm very sorry" Raul spoke pausing to catch his breath

"I can see that.. well um welcome I guess? Sorry I'm still new to the Starfleet thing" Tadashi said rubbing at his neck shifting eyes around

"Ah right you never joined Starfleet how lucky of you to get a commission of Captain out the gate many work for years to get that high! And to get the Excelsior? You must have very powerful friends" Raul said

"A couple. Honestly if it weren't for Sulu I'm not sure I'd be here commanding"  Tadashi said. "Let's go Raul gotta get to the Bridge"

"You mean THE Hikaru Sulu? Do you know him?!! Damn you really do have power friends don't you? I used to listen to my dad's stories of him all the time and I was bit disappointed he had retired as The Academy Commander by my first year." Raul continued following along beside Tadashi the Pair entering a Turbolift

"Main Bridge" Tadashi ordered the Computer beeping in response the hum of the lift echoing

"Sulu has been a family friend for years. I never got to know him too much I was usually out with my dad growing up but he did visit " Tadashi said.

"That's so cool Captain. Well again I'm happy to be here and cant wait to explore the unknown"

"Same here buddy Same here" Tadashi said the doors swinging open and he stepped out

"Captain on the bridge" Demora said rising from her chair along with everyone else.

Tadashi looked around. He saw Vanessa at the Helm.  Xall at engineering and Thall standing at Tactical.  He still needed to talk with him he didn't seem to happy he wasn't the first officer anymore but kinda just accepted it. But Tadashi honestly thought security and tacticle better suited him

"Hello everyone. Many of us met one on one during this past month but for those who haven't. I'm Tadashi  and I prefer being called Tadashi. I am new to Starfleet. I don't know what I did honestly to deserve this position but I'm ready to see where it leads me. I know StarFleet has protocols and rules and stuff many I'm learning but for the most part I'm a laid back guy if you want to call me Captain go for it just know I'm not the most formal dude I spent the past 18 years of my life on a salvage ship with a small crew of 4 I'm used to names not titles. Let's do our jobs and see some new things. Welcome aboard the Excelsior" he said resulting in everyone clapping

"Are we ready to head out?" Tadashi asked sitting in the command chair

"All systems ready sir, ops has cleared us and the SS Hayashi is standing by for our escort" Demora reported taking her seat at the Operations station

"Hail the Hayashi please" he said

"Aye sir they're responding" Demora reported as Sato appeared on screen

"You ready brother?" He asked

"Ready when you are Sato. Let's go home" Tadashi said earning a few glances from bridge officers

"Vanessa. Set course for Earth and when we are clear engage warp 7


Coming soon

The Excelsior chronicals

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