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"My beauty Y/N", as soon as you walked out from the lobby area, you saw him, your family. The one who had been taking care of you.

"Diego", you muttered his name as you run toward him; hugging him. Seeing him making yourself almost tearing up.
Holding up your tears making him realized that you had been going through something.
"Let's get you home first", he said taking your luggage from your grip and walked to his car.

"You didn't bring any luggage with you before. What was that?", he asked you with eyes peeking at the backseat of his car.
"I've met a new friend and she brought me to her hometown. Her family gave some souvenir to our family too", you said eyes sparkling telling him your short vacation to your new best friend hometown. But not the part you're joining ATEEZ show or even telling him about your 'amnesia' husband.


"You didn't tell me about this matter, tesoro", Diego said as he shoved his phone right in front of your eyes. "Are you starting to enter entertainment circle now?", he asked you.

He knew how you hate tangling up with any artist especially a Korean idol. Listening to their music or learning dancing is fine by you but to get to know any artist; you'll be the one to back off first.

"I'm short of money to came back, Diego. That's why I have to. Made a new passport too really expensive than I thought", you explained as he just nodded.
"But still-", he sighed. "I thought we're a family", you've been guilty seeing his sad face. "You should've told me", he held your hand.
"I know but a part of me not wanting to burden you more when you already have a lot responsibility", you said realised that in reality you has no one to relied on, someone who care for you.


"I miss you, nonna", you hugged the old woman who had been on a wheelchair almost a decade from what you heard from DieGo.
"Ecco qualche souvenir dalla Corea Mamma. Papa", you smiled at the two figure who had took you in when you really need help.

(Here are some souvenirs from Korea Mamma. Dad)

"Really?", he snickered at you. "A souvenir just for them. How about me?", Diego asked making others smiling.
"Isn't me coming back home is enough for you?", you playfully teased him.

"Stai davvero bene, dolcezza?. Abbiamo sentito dell'attacco terroristico", she looked at you worried as if you've got hurt in the first place.

(Are you really okay, honey?. We heard about the terrorist attack)

Having Diego as your family really made you feel alive again.

"Sto benissimo, nonna", they really care for you even you're not even blood related to them at all.

(I'm totally fine, grandma)

"Where is my princessa, Diego?", as he wanted to talked, a little figure hugged your leg making you smiled.

"Hey my lil' princessa", you held her in your arm as she's giggled. "I miss you, my universe", you showered her with kisses as the one year old little girl giggling.
"Just marry her already, Diego", a girl came out as she smiled seeing you and her brother's daughter getting closer each day. "My eyes hurt seeing you three act like a fairy tale happy family", she added.

"I don't mind having Y/N as Mia's stepmother since she could be better off than anyone else", you admitted that you're blushing by his sudden joke-confession. "But she has someone in her mind and I'm respect her. And I treated Y/N just like you, Zaara", he said making you chuckled.
"If you are, give one of my building to me just how you gave one to Y/N", she said roasted her own brother which made your day brighter.
"In your dream, Zaara. You'll end up selling them a few days later", as just then he took Mia from you as everyone walked in to the house.


The kids laughter can be heard across the room as you've chuckled.
"It's not easy taking care of one kid, let alone a bunch of them", Diego said took a sit beside Y/N.
"A lot of things happen in just a month, Diego", your eyes wanders through the window, admiring the blue sky as a smile crept on your face.
"Something happen and you didn't bother to spill them to me, tesoro", you wasn't surprised that Diego knew every detail of your doing, your action.

Diego was the first person who reached his hand that day you ran away from SeongHwa. The one who provided you with everything she has right now.


Milan. You was alone in a strange and unfamiliar place. You just wanted to ran back to SeongHwa's arm but your promise what made you halted your decision. You're not someone who will break your promise just because of your own benefit.

For a while, you stared at the black card given by your now-husband; contemplating whether your should use them or not. A part of your mind saying that you deserved to those card since you is his wife. Legally wife. He never told you that he asked you to pay back.

"Mama", a little figure suddenly hugged your leg making you jolted a little since you had been spaced out for a while.
"Did you perhaps lost , princess?", she asked her but instead she asked you to take her in your arm as she snuggled her head on your shoulder as soon as you took her, comforting her.

'Did you look for your mother too?. Just like me?', you asked her but just in your mind.

"A very nice young lady shouldn't wandering around in here. Especially when she's alone. It's pretty dangerous in this country", a voice made you turned around and see a tall figure looked at you with smile. "I'm Diego", he reached his hand toward you as you smiled back at him, reaching his hand. "I can see that you're here alone, am I right, miss-", he asked for your name.

"Y/N Anderson. Just call me Y/N", he took a sit beside you as he looked at the sky.

"Ermm-", you looked at him as he looked contemplating to continue his word. "My daughter", as soon as he said that you finally realized as why he came toward you suddenly. "I'm sorry for her behaviour. Just let me", when he wanted to took her away from you, the little girl whined and almost cry. Not just you but him too was too dumbfounded by her sudden cry.

The girl stop crying when he let her go. "Looks like she's more comfortable with me", you said with little laugh. "How about I'll just bring her back to your home instead?", you suggested as Diego just agreed.  

"If you don't mind, can I know this cute little peanut's name?", you asked the male whose eyes on the road; driving the car.

"Mia. Her name is Mia", he said hand holding her daughter's little hand. 

"She has a beautiful eyelashes", you said while examined the girl whose been sleeping on your lap quite a while.

"You has a luggage with you. Did you perhaps a traveller?", he asked you.

"No. I'm not. In fact, I'm thinking of staying here instead", a silence soon took over when the both of you didn't know how to started a conversation.


The car stopped at a house at a valley out of nowhere since you're aren't familiar at all with this country which made you a slight scared actually.

"We're here", you looked stunned at how a house could give the warmth vibe to you. Right after you put his daughter off her bed, the both of you walked out to the living room as he looked at you with akward smile.
"How about you're staying here for tonight?", he said stuttering. "I mean it's a foreign land to you after all and you don't know how dangerous it is at night here", he explained.

"Right now I could only think that you're the most dangerous here", you joked making him frowned.
"At least this dangerous man offer you a place to stay though", he laughed. "You don't have to worry. My family are all here. They're just asleep", he assured you.

"I trust you, Diego. I trust people so easily", you gave a dry smile instead. "Can you lead the way to any room please, Butler Diego. Me, Princess Y/N need some beauty sleep now", you said follwed with small laughed.
"How about my room, Mi Amor?. It's pretty comfy", he winked at you.
"Eheyy. You're the cheeky one, huh", he took your luggage as you followed him behind.