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Y/n's pov

I and Jungkook came outside but suddenly I remember that I forgot my handbag there and I was about to go inside to take my handbag but Jungkook stopped me and go instead of me to bring my handbag. I was waiting for him. When Sehun came to me.

Sehun:- "Y/n ..... Where are you going this early ?"

Y/n:- "Actually Jungkook has some work so."

Sehun:- "So let him go and you stay."

Y/n:- "I'm sorry Sehun..... But I can't."

Sehun:- "Please Y/n, for me." He requests me.

Y/n:- "I'm sorry. I can't stay." I said and was about to walk from there when suddenly he held my wrist tightly.

Sehun:- "I will not let you go this time." His eyes darkened. He pulled me towards him and start taking me from there.

Y/n:- "What the hell Sehun..... Leave my hand." I shouted at him and tried to free my hand from his grip.

Sehun:- "Not this time baby girl. You are mine... Only mine." He said while smirking. I panicked and start shouting for help.

Y/n:- "Help! So- aah!!!!" before I scream for help he hit me on my head.

Y/n:- "Jungkook help me!" I said in a whisper before darkness take over me.

Author's pov

Sehun:- "I'm sorry baby girl...... I don't want to hurt you but what do I do, you were not listening to me." He said while making a sad face but suddenly he start laughing like a maniac.

Sehun:- "But now you have to listen to me ..... Because there are no more options for you baby girl." He said while caressing her cheeks. He carried her in bridal style. And fastly put her in the back seat and drive off from there.

When Jungkook was screaming her name Eunwoo get off from the car and run to Jungkook.

Eunwoo:- "What happened Jungkook? And where is Y/n?" He asked worriedly.

Jungkook:- "I think he takes her with him. We have to find her fast." He said and was about to go when Eunwoo stop him.

Eunwoo:- "How can you let that happen? That's why I told you early before it's too late but you can't take care of her. How can you be so irresponsible." He starts shouting at Jungkook. He was so afraid that he lost his calmness.

Jungkook:- "Listen Eunwoo we can't waste time in arguments... Now Y/n is more important. Let's go and find her before he did something to her." He said frustratingly and get into his car. Eunwoo again came to his car and said.

Eunwoo:- "But how will you find her? We didn't know where he take her."

Jungkook:- "But she has her phone. We will track her phone location."

Eunwoo:- "Great and I think we should go together to find her." Jungkook nodded Eunwoo get in Jungkook's car. Jungkook call Yoongi and said to track her phone. After a few minutes, Yoongi tracks her phone and sends the location to them.

Eunwoo:- "Why he is taking her towards hills?" He said in confusion.

Jungkook:- "Don't know what is going on in his mind? I hope he didn't do anything to Y/n or else I will kill him with my bare hands." He said while gritting his teeth. He speed up the car and went to the location. They both get off the car and move toward the spot where Y/n's location is showing.

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