🌻 Final 🌻

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Long chapter ahead. Please enjoy.......

Y/n's pov

Sehun pulled the trigger and I close my eyes and screamed.

Y/n:- "Jungkook!!!!!!" I start crying. I didn't open my eyes because I don't have the courage to see my Kookie in the pool of blood. I was crying so badly.

Jungkook's pov

When Sehun pulled the trigger I close my eyes and start remembering my moments with the love of my life, my Y/n, my shortie. The way we fight, the way I always tease her..... I feel very sad because we can't spend a single moment like a couple. I was waiting for the pain but it never came when I open my eyes. My eyes widened.

Jungkook:- "Eunwoo!!!!"

Eunwoo's pov

I was coming back after calling the police for help when I saw Sehun pointing the gun toward Jungkook. He was about to pull the trigger when I hurriedly came in front of Jungkook and the bullet hit me instead of Jungkook. I hear Jungkook saying my name in a whisper. I can't handle the pain anymore. My body fell on Jungkook. He slowly laid me down.

Author's pov

When Y/n heard Jungkook's voice she open her eyes and saw Eunwoo laying there in Jungkook's arms.

Y/n:- "Eu-Eunwoo!!!!! Why do you do this Sehun? Please let go of me. Please." She said while crying.

Sehun:- "I can't baby. It's okay first shot missed from me. Now I will kill this Jungkook also." He said again pointing the gun toward Jungkook. But before he can do anything police came and shot his hand. Gun fell from his hand and because of the pain, he release Y/n. She takes advantage of that moment he pushed him and runs towards Jungkook and Eunwoo. Police arrest Sehun. And take him away.

Y/n:- "Eu-Eunwoo...... Nothing will happen to you... We will save you... Okay so, please don't leave us. Jungkook please call the ambulance. Fast." She said while crying Jungkook was also crying he fastly call the ambulance.

Jungkook:- "They are coming."

Eunwoo:- "Y-Y/n." He called her name in pain.

Y/n:- "Ye- Yes Eunwoo." She said and hold his hand.

Eunwoo:- "Please do-don't forget me af-ter I die. Alw-ays re-member th-at the-re w-as a person who lo-ved you fro-m bott-om of h-is he-art." He said while smiling in pain.

Y/n:- "Shut up Eunwoo! Don't talk nonsense. We will save you. You will live with us. You can't leave us like this. " She shouted at him.

Eunwoo:- "Jung-kook plea-se do-n't ev-er try to hu-rt her or I will ha-unt you." Jungkook was also tearing up.

Jungkook:- "Why did you do this?" He asked him.

Eunwoo:- "I -I al-so don't k- know. Y/n I- I ho-pe in ne- next life you will gi- give me a chance and al-ways re-member th-at I lo-ve y-ou." He was smiling in pain all the time. That makes Jungkook and Y/n sob more. Then the ambulance came and take him to the hospital. The doctor starts his treatment. All boys also came there. They saw Y/n was sobbing and Jungkook was sitting near her and trying to calm her down but she was continuously crying on Jungkook's shoulder. After a long hour, the doctor came outside from OT. All people stand up and start showering questions on the doctor.

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