jeong jaehyun.

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marks engraved in your soul.

warnings : mentions of blood, slightly explicit.

the thought often shuddered jaehyun, just how much could hana trust him to let him take absolute control over her. she had always been the one to put forward her choices and preferences of things she'd be eager to try. he had even seen the times when her choices would be so extreme that the mere thought of its consequences could make jaehyun's heart stop, because hurting hana was the last thing, even in the back of his mind.

today, it was unusual. of course, it was to be expected that hana would be giving her suggestion for something she'd like to try tonight after jaehyun was finally arriving home after a business trip of two months.

two months; it was enough to make her crave for more and after all this time that she'd be seeing him, she was absolutely certain that her body would overpower her emotions.

and that's exactly what happened the moment she saw him at the entrance of the door. she pulled him inside and hugged him tightly, taking in her favorite scent and that was quite enough to rise the tingling sensation within her body. as her lips touched his in the passion of desperation, jaehyun understood what was going to come next. before he could deepen the kiss, she pulled away, just slightly, keeping a certain distance to look him straight in the eyes.

oh the affection in them, jaehyun would've melted right there and then if he hadn't heard the words that left her mouth.

the moment he had thought he had gone to a great extent to fulfill every demand of hana, here she had pleaded, begged for something that instantly had jaehyun widening his eyes with mouth agape in surprise. the first thought that hit his mind after her words struck his ears was fear. the fear that he'd hurt her. he was genuinely scared but the gaze with which she had requested him caught his heart. the way she entrusted him could almost shatter his heart. he had never thought someone could be so willing to give themselves to him the way she was.

this immense trust rose something in jaehyun other than love; desire. he suddenly felt a gush of desire flowing through his veins and that made him eager to give hana, exactly what she wanted.

and there they were, lying on the sheets, devoid of any clothing, with hana's fragile self beneath jaehyun. though he was unsure of his actions, all he wanted right now was for hana to be content.

a drop of blood glided though her thigh as the tiny piece of metal grazed across her skin. jaehyun almost trembled at the sight of the crimson fluid. he was prepared to pull away and mutter words of apology to hana but before he could remove his hands from her body, she gently held his wrists, with eyes closed, whimpering in slight pain which was overpowered by the call for pleasure in the next second.

"don't...stop", she whispered with eyes half open, staring right through Jaehyun.

the look in those eyes, the gentle desire in the soft voice – all were enough to ensure jaehyun that he could proceed. With that thought in his head, he smiled and let his lips touch hers for a moment, before he moved back and let his hands travel across her skin.

there were certain scratches left on her skin and she knew they'd hurt the next day but none of them concerned hana when jaehyun's lips moved from her knees to the slightly bruised skin of her inner thighs and the trail of kisses he left everywhere.

a soft blow of his warm breath hit her in the middle and made her mind go onto a roller-coaster because of how sensitive her body had become after his initial actions. moans of pleasure and satisfaction escaped her lips as she begged for more and even though jaehyun was in control, he was hers to serve.

her wish was his command.

several rounds of his gentle-wrath had left her breathless on the mattress as, following her, he let himself release the waves of carnal pleasure hitting him after detaching his body from hers, letting out a groan that reached the crescendo and left him exhausted. he fell beside her and closed his eyes for a second before turning his body towards hers and wrapping her in a gentle embrace.

she considered it quite absurd to how she was courageous enough to directly converse with jaehyun about her needs without any hint of hesitation but right now, at this moment, after all they had done in the heat of the night, she felt her cheeks turn into a light shade of red as jaehyun hugged her body oh-so-gently.

"thank you Hana."

her thoughts were cut off by a deep voice which suddenly was uttering words of gratitude, leaving hana confused about the whole situation.

she looked at him with tired eyes and a slight frown on her face, expressing her inability to understand his intentions.

he smiled and pecked her lips before beginning, in a low voice.

"thank you for...trusting me so much. I was scared to death at the thought of being the reason for your pain. i'd never hurt you hana", he caressed her face and let his thumbs brush across her swollen lips, "i feel so fortunate to have you in my life. no words can ever express the bliss your existence gives me. thank you for being a part of my life, for being a part of me..."

he ended with a whisper as he heard hana sniffling beneath his arms. he kissed away her tears and attached his forehead to hers and muttered the words he had always preserved in the deepest core of his heart, just for this person beside him.

"i love you."

the words belonged to her.
he belonged to her.

and he'd never ever regret solely being hers for life.

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