huang renjun.

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the feeling of happiness towards someone in real life because of something good they did in your dream.

"Everyone has their own little flaws that adorn them and make them stand out in a crowd. It is something that makes them unique. And uniqueness is everything but a flaw. So, in simple words, you're flawless."

Jia never would've thought of calling herself flawless but sometimes, the situation can make you believe things you might have denied your whole life. But the thing bothering her wasn't the fact that her colleague, Huang Renjun, talked to her about how everyone is flawless but the fact that he actually talked to her.

He rarely talks to anyone but he chose her to converse with.

Huang Renjun – straight out of a dream. He was too stunning for human eyes, that's what Jia, or probably, everyone thought. Of course, someone talking about bring flawless would only make sense if it was none other than this man who had everyone's jaws dropped in amazement every time.

As cliché as it sounds, seeing him, every person was left in awe. He was unreal. And so, seeing him talking to her had to catch Jia off-guard, and it did.

She was absolutely hating the way she looked like today – but someone had heard the murmurs that left her lips as she saw herself on her phone camera. Out of nowhere, this gorgeous human appeared in front of her and basically told her,

"You're flawless."

Too good to be true.


She groaned as she woke up after what she had felt would be a dreadful night but turned out to be the opposite. She delved within her mind only to find how lively she felt, albeit the exhaustion of a weary night. It was a dream but it felt so real.

To be honest, Renjun was actually the guy who'd do something like this. She was certain about it. But out of everyone, he'd pick her – that just didn't sit well with her because she knew the only conversations she had exchanged with Renjun in the past few months were 'Good morning", "Sorry", "Thank you", "Night" – and that's it. Just the recurring of these phrases over the days and that's all.

Letting her thoughts wander at the back of her mind, she let go of the blankets and stepped out of her bed to prepare for the day.

Nothing was different at her workplace, the same people, the casual flow of greetings in the absence of the boss, certain murmurs of gossips in the corner and of course, the most anticipated of all, the reaction of every person at the entrance of Renjun.

Jia would most likely never admit it but she definitely was one of those affected by his presence. In simple words, she liked him, really liked him. But, she wasn't the only one. And that's what always let her just slide away from the reality into her imagination, where she had closely felt the warm embrace and loving gaze of the person she admired.

It wasn't the first time she got stuck in a daze wherein she got millions of thoughts about every possibility surrounding her and Renjun. No, she wasn't obsessed but the dreams she saw so vividly every night and sometimes in the daytime were not under her control. They were clearly a depiction of the feelings and emotions she carried within her heart for Renjun.

The honey-voiced confession, gentle caresses, soothing words of reassurance, soft pecks – she had dreamt of it, several times now. She sometimes wished to assume that this was a doing of the universe and that it was trying to send her signs and tell her that she should put her coward self aside and just step out of her daydreams to admit what she felt for that man.

But she wouldn't dare consider this assumption to be anywhere close to reality.

That's probably why the blissful dreams would sometimes lurk in her peace and turn into haunting nightmares that would constantly gnaw at her. She never realized how mere romantic feelings could trigger something so terrible that it could make her lose her senses.

All the 'what-ifs' brought to her because of her dreams were one of the primary reasons why she suddenly felt herself falling into an unending void. Loving him sometimes hurt her.

But she couldn't care less.

Sometimes the sole desire of Jia would be to hate Renjun. But she already knew that it wouldn't work. She was so deeply infatuated by the man that she just could never figure out the conflicts her mind was providing her with. She just felt clueless.

One morning she woke up to a wide smile adorning her face. She had dreamt about Renjun, yet again. And he had told her something she had craved to listen to.

"Jia, don't you dare look down upon yourself. See, there are so many people who think, know for a fact that you're way more than what you think you are. You are perfect the way you are. And I love you for the way you are."

He had never talked to her and yet, the peace she had found within the dreams she saw was undeniable. She felt herself surrounded in a bubble of joy at just the thought of Renjun.

Even though Jia's curled up lips had slightly dropped at the sight of Renjun with the one he had introduced to his colleagues as his beloved, she'd still try and blink away the tears threatening to pour down her cheeks. She'd swallow the lump in her thought and put her soul into putting up a smile on her face again.

Atleast, he made her happy in her dreams.

And she'd stay content with that.

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