nakamoto yuta.

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to change the inevitable.

immortality is a boon.

especially when you get to live with the one you love from within the deepest core of your heart and are willing to spend an eternity with that person, immortality is a gift, a precious one, something everyone would crave for.

but if piling up emotions of trauma and torment deep within one's soul and the painful longing to feel loved, even if for a moment, are going to be the consequences of this immortality, it is a curse.

anyone would consider dying as a better alternative. and suki was no exception.

in a world where you'd get the ultimate power of being immortal after you meet the person you've been bound to by the universe, the one people term as "soulmate", anybody would give up everything just for the sake of finding their better half and spend their everlasting life with them.

suki hated this thought.

ever since she had held the hands of her soulmate, she knew she had stopped aging but this fact held no importance to her as more than anything, she despised that she'd have to carry the burden of this curse upon her shoulders with the person she'd wish to stay far away from.

she hated her soulmate.

it wasn't always the case. when she had first met him, her heart fluttered in a way it never did before. she was certain she'd love being with that man for eternity. but that thought was something she regretted to have until this day.

he made her feel utterly worthless and shuddered her with his presence. she felt physically, mentally and emotionally oppressed and the unending torture instilled upon her just added up to the dry crimson scars embedded all across her body and her soul.

she was immortal now and yet felt dead.

he claimed that he owned her and she had to live with him for whatever way he treated her. his greed for this immense power of living as a young man forever had creeped up into his conscience, making him forget the very essence of this boon. he forgot that he had a soulmate to love. and love - he had let that emotion flee far away from his existence.

on one of the days of her dreadful life, wuki found herself treading lightly across the busy streets, a few blocks ahead her house. it was one of the few fortunate days when her so-called soulmate had been busy enough for her to have some time for herself, something she craved for. his actions, words and every aspect of his behavior towards her led her to have doubts about her own self. at one point, she actually had believed the fact that she was worthless without him. she wasn't but he made her believe it.

stopping in front of a café, she let the delightful aroma of caffeine hit her and took a deep breath of contentment. she finally had the time to unwind. but what she didn't know was that the presence of someone in this particular café would change her already planned destiny.

nakamoto yuta - the man introduced himself with this name. she felt her heart flutter after all those tormenting years for the first time. she felt a sense of relief wash over her just by lending a soft gaze to the man, who apparently was another victim of time who had lost his soulmate before even meeting the one. the mark on his arm that kept him aware of his soulmate's existence had faded that morning and he knew, he had lost that person. he had lost his grasp of being immortal but that wasn't what he dreaded. he feared the thought of being all alone in the world and meet the shackles of death one day.

somehow, the two found their comfort within each other. and call it love at first sight or anything, they knew that this wasn't going to be their last meeting.

even while having a soulmate, probably destined to be with her since her birth, she fell in love with someone else who made her feel loved. yuta loved her and she loved him even more, as she had claimed to.

each day, she'd discreetly call, text or plan to meet with yuta, trying to keep herself away from her soulmate. she knew, within her blossoming gut feelings, she knew that she'd wither if ever her and yuta's relationship was disclosed.

seeing her sullen face, yuta gently lifted her chin and looked lovingly into her eyes.

"you're not cheating on him, love. neither of you two love each other and that bastard is just using you for his selfish needs. suki, he doesn't deserve someone as precious as you", he felt the dire need to tell this to her on seeing her feeling guilty of having a relationship with someone other than her soulmate.

slightly nodding she leaned towards yuta and let her lips capture his in a soft and passionate kiss, full of love - the essence of which she had seemed to forgotten. pure affection, longing of feeling loved and an eternal promise wrapped them across the kiss that seemed everlasting. but they knew, it wasn't.

suki was immortal, yuta wasn't.

even though she'd survive, it'd be hell without him.

she had always thought death was a far better option than to live the way she did, just for the sake of her soulmate. so she did exactly what she felt was right.

she took the life of her soulmate through her own hands.

she knew she was the only one who could lead her soulmate, who had become immortal, to death. and she also knew that this would snatch away the boon of immortality from her. but she didn't mind that.

not as long as she could spend her remaining days, months and years with yuta, the one she'd call her real soulmate.

the destiny was at fault but her love for yuta made her cross the boundaries of the universe itself.

she changed the inevitable for the one she loved.

and if this was the ending she'd always receive, she was more than prepared to face the wrath all over again.

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