40 ➳ wine nights // n.c

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communication, huh...

this was ren's final words before we went our separate ways. communication is key, she says. we need to be open as a team for everything to work, she follows.

i pondered on her words throughout the night, along with a glass of fine wine. i still can't get over the emotional damage that i had suffered today, and my way out of that was by drinking.

now that i think about it hard enough, the challenger is right. i think what we lack as a team compared to other pros out there is communication. while she may appear dead and devoid of life, her passion for the game sparks through that allows her to talk to other people. heck, ren's even managing to talk to akutagawa, the jungler of the team who doesn't like talking to any one of us.

and yet, somehow, by some miracle, she's able to convey her opinions through that cold-hearted man. the same thing applies vice versa.

in the past, a lot of times, everybody acts upon their own world. perhaps the problem of the team isn't me and dazai after all, like how the internet makes it up to be. but rather, the entire attitude of the team was a big general problem. by the grace of the gods, someone had finally come to amend the problem albeit one by one.

hayakawa xyren... an enigmatic woman which her entire existence screams just art and video games. she claims to have just been some sort of shut in, who confines herself within the bubbles of her comfort zone. a woman of her caliber has so much potential.

so much, that she managed to hurt me thrice within this week. the first one being that one-on-one battle, then the role swap, and now this.

something about her just gets my attention, plus i couldn't stay mad at her for too long. if it were dazai, i would have yelled at him from the top of my lungs already.

glass after glass, the smooth and bitter taste of this grapefruit wine continues to slide down my throat. before i knew it, i already finished the entire bottle and i am walking to my cabinet for a new one.

at this point, my mind was starting to cloud with thoughts about my support... wait, our support. the team's.

eventually, it progressively became harder to stop, like i wasn't even voluntarily thinking about it anymore. it's like ren started living in my head rent free.

stop it, chuuya. i muttered to myself. there's no way i'm enchanted with a person that i just met literally just a week ago. this is just the wine talking all funny to me.

later, i found myself in her social medias. there wasn't really anything apart from art and league. nothing was worth digging. i feel like everyone has those cringe posts from their past selves posted in social media, but ren didn't have any of that. there wasn't even any traces of her family or relatives here. it was like she made a clean slate for herself.

my drive to find information about this mystery girl keep on with wine fueling me to go on, until the fuel itself couldn't keep me up any longer and the darkness has consumed me for the night.

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