12 ➳ art shop // d.o

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it was yet another day...

...another opportunity to commit suicide, that is.

today was quite windy -- yellow and orange leaves violently flying all over the place. my long coat was enough to give me warmth from the chill touch of autumn.

i was at the busier parts of Yokohama, wherein most events, works, and transactions usually go on. it was past ten in the morning, and thus everyone was already working.

except for this one store whose inside was all dark and dull like my soul.

curious to see what that store was, my legs have taken me near to it. the sign outside just says "ren's trash" with a pencil and paintbrush for a logo. inside -- although extremely dim -- were rectangular frames of various sizes.

the metal door handle makes contact with my bandage-wrapped hands, the cold piercing through the layers of white wrap. i was expecting it to be locked, but it has budged upon my effortless push.

wow, what a target for thieves; just leaving their shop open.

the light switch was near the counter where i'd assume was the cashier. not wanting to enter behind it, my slender arms just reached out from the barrier in hopes to get luminosity around the room.

as the lux emits its brightness is the time where everything became clearer. the room was filled with indeed frames, but they weren't just glassed picture frames...

...they were canvasses and posters of different sizes.

ironically, the name of the shop has the word 'trash' in it, and yet his/her business has to do something with art.

i'll be honest, the displayed works in the shop were a masterpiece.

i was admiring the works of art around when i noticed a human being sleeping her head on the counter. surely i did not notice the person when i approached the counter; her jet black hair must have blended her well in the dark.

with a smile, i decided to wake her up. she smelled quite like a familiar wine, but it was the good kind of smell.

she groggily responded to my soft pats, eyes half-open and looking at me with them like she hadn't had sleep in days. as she fixed her composure to entertain her customer, that's when i realized who this girl was.

it was the seaside picasso.

"u-uh, hello, good m-morning," she slurred through her words, as if she were drunk and still not sober. "h-how may i help~?"

"hello~! we have met before!" i cheerfully said, hoping to snap her back to reality.

her crimson eyes pierced hard through my hazel orbs for about a solid minute or two, before completely ignoring what i said and spoke "i don't know you" before going back to sleep.

i folded my arms to pretend that i am an angry costumer, but of course only as a joke. "wow, how rude of a shop owner you are! the name fits right for your service!"

seaside picasso still didn't give one single damn about it and continued to sleep.

a little later, the door chimes rang, indicating that someone had just came in the shop. if it were a random person, i would have panicked because Ren -- i'd assume the name of the girl -- was seriously in a deep slumber and yet she still managed to operate her art shop.

it was the known pastor, brother Hawthorne.

"the girl still slurring drunk?" he asked sternly, in which i just nodded in response. i sighed in relief assuming that he and the girl somehow knew each other.

meanwhile, the pastor sighed in disbelief. "i'm sorry for any inconvenience she may have caused. she's heavily drunk right now, and i'll be the one taking in charge of the shop."

"ah, it's fine~" i'll just pretend that everything is okay. "i just happened to pass by; turns out she was the girl i met the other day."

Hawthorne just nodded in response as he went straight for the counter. i looked at the girl's masterpieces for a little bit more before heading out of the shop.

her works consisted of mostly sad colors of blue, black, white, and purple. some might be in brighter hue, but the images still depict a really sad story.

hmm, i wonder...

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