01 ➳ teammate // n.c

287 13 8

quick legend: pov will be determined at the chapter title
// n.c chuuya
// d.o dazai
// h.x xyren (oc)


wanted: teammate!
currently looking for a teammate for the upcoming League tournament on 30 October
• can play mainly adc or support
• can adjust to other roles
• friendly and non-toxic
• rank diamond V and above
please look for nakahara chuuya or send a message via this number (+812345678969)

i had printed more than a hundred posters and had put them mostly around the streets of Yokohama. hopefully i could get that one last teammate before the competition.

i did not make my way to rank up to diamond I for nothing, right?

disappointing how for the past two years that i have been playing this game and that joining various competitions with my team, we have not won a single match... yet.

been telling them that we shall do better next time, but eventually some of my members have left the team. of course, even i was sick of telling them that we would win the next time. when the next game comes, we lose anyway.

what's left in the team was me, akutagawa, tachihara and kajii. we lack one member to be accepted.

guess who was the last member that left?

dazai osamu. now he's just in the slumps trying to commit suicide.

the skies are now recoloring from its baby blue hue to more of a vermillion color. it was now sunset and soon, starts should start to steal the show and the moon will rule them all. my black shoes make contact against the gray streets, and the wind kissing the details of my skin.

i only had seven days left before the League tournament. will i be able to find an additional teammate by then?

lost in thought, i felt a strong vibration in my pocket. the ring was muffled inside the fabric and that its sound grew louder as i fished it out of where i had put it. it was an unknown number.

could it be that someone had noticed my poster?

"...yes?" i hesitantly answered, hearing nothing but silence on the other line.

"uhm, is this nakahara chuuya?" said the caller -- a feminine voice, her tone as dead as the faithful departed. there were no emotions... it was just a serious and straightforward question.

"yes, that is me. who is this?"

"i saw the poster that you need a teammate. i wanted to take that opportunity."

although i was desperate to complete my team before the competition, i was not ready for a female player.

oops, i mean, i did not expect a female League player at all.

honestly, i have not seen female players in action unless it's a youtube live streamer. judging from just watching these people, these females are usually just playing League for the sake of attention or to show off their cleavage or something.

i am not generalizing, but most of the famous ones are like that.

i am now in doubt whether to accept her or not, if it was a male, i would immediately welcome him in the team. but for this one, i'll have to give a test.

"okay," i replied to the unknown caller. "but would you mind if i test your skills first?"

and without hesitation, she said "sure, no problem, nakahara."

i feel like i'm talking to the dead.

i told her to meet me in front of a computer rental shop somewhere near the wheel. it was the only one in that area and so it shouldn't be that hard to find. either way, i was already near that area so it was convenient.

the sun has set and the skies were now dark, but traces of purple and orange were still evident in the sky. as i was admiring the heavens change its colors, a voice of a female had rang in my ears.

"excuse me?" was her polite greeting, followed by a bow. like how i was looking up in the sky was the same thing that i have to look up to this woman. damn she was hella tall!

jet black hair neatly fixed to her left like bangs, wearing a green three-forth sleeves and black fit leggings, her simplicity was too good to be true. no way in hell that this person looks like she plays League or any games at all -- she just looks too innocent yet diplomatic at the same time.

"i am hayakawa xyren, bot late dominator. i am willing to take your test to be part of your team."

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