Just a scouting mission

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It has been a few decades since we last saw the dragons, since we left them to their own world.
At this point in time, Hiccup has become an old man that is still a great leader to his tribe, and still going out on missions to help and prevent any future issues with other tribes, here is where we start, a mission with his friend Snotlout.

As their boat slowly came up to shore, Hiccup and Snotlout quietly jumped out and pulled the boat in.
They were here to scout out a tribe that they got information on that they could be a danger to their tribe and even others that they have made alliances with.

As they slowly came closer, Snotlout whispered "if we had dragons this would have been easier" Hiccup responded by saying "we promised to leave them be, and to never interact with them again, to let them become myth and legend."
Snotlout said "Leave them be, let be myth and legend" mocking Hiccup.

Alas, they finally got close enough to hear them:
Soldier 1:"We are almost ready with preparations, I'd say a few more shipments, and we'll be ready to attack."
Soldier 2:"I hope so, we've been sitting here for way too long!"
Soldier 3:"I don't really mind, this is just an extra long vacation, free food and all the rest we could ask for."
Soldier 1 and 4: "Shut up! There's nothing to do here! Nothing I tell you, anything you can think of, we have already done or is just too lame."
Scared Hiccup and Snotlout slowly walked back, as Snotlout stepped on a stick making a loud snapping sound and alerting all the men in the camp.

As they ran to Hiccup and Snoutlout they unsheathed their swords prepared to attack, they jumped into the attack but Hiccup and Snotlout had fought harder battles against more people.
Even if they had a lot of experience, it did feel like they were losing, just as Hiccup thought that he heard a scream "AAAAHHH" one that sounded familiar, as he looked he saw Snotlout falling down, with a sword stuck in his back... frozen of shock, seeing his friend fall down like that, the strong Snotlout Jorgenson was... defeated, he lost.
As soon as those thoughts ran through his mind, he felt a pain in his back, he shared the same fate as his friend, a sword in his back.

As his sight faded into darkness, he heard his enemies cheer for their victory.
The cheers slowly faded into Astrid's voice asking him when he would return, as a tear ran off his face everything went dark, and he felt like he was flying again, like the first time he flew with Toothless, the nice cold sky to his face, he felt... peaceful.

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