The hall of memories

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While he still felt like he was flying with Toothless, the feeling of the floor below him started to set in.
He did not want to lose this feeling, but it slowly faded away, as he opened his eyes he saw a tall hallway which had paintings on its walls which moved, and made sound.

As he stood up, he looked at his clothes, they were not the same as the ones that he was wearing before, they looked extremely nice, beyond anything he had seen before.

After looking at his clothes, he looked at the paintings on the walls, the first one he looked at had a baby in it, one that looked familiar... it was just as his dad described him of when he was a baby, a baby Hiccup, here on the walls.

As he continued walking, he realized what this place was, a hall of memories, but weirdly the other side didn't look like him... that baby looked more rough, more like a baby viking.
He didn't understand but continued looking at his side, through his life, from the first word to his first steps, from his first sword to his first invention.

Then he saw an old friend, a semi-large dragon, so fast that you could not see it in the night... the Night Fury, here on the wall was Toothless, their first time ever meeting, there in the forest, the moment he realized that hunting dragons, that killing them... was not it for him, that he wanted to make this dragon his friend, the beginning of the change.

As he continued to walk, he saw the first flight on Toothless, the first fin he made for Toothless and the paper, that when he flew through the pillars and when they finally flew in sync and fully thought alike in the air, a memory where he could look at all day long.

The fight against the Red Death, the fight that proved to everyone on berk that dragons were not their enemies, but friends.
Not only that, but also his father jumping in the water to save Toothless, seeing that, it brought a tear to his eye, seeing his father like that, helping Toothless for the first time, he stood there for a minute just crying.

After he dried up his tears, he continued to walk, and he saw his mom, when he met his mom for the first time, his dad meeting his mom again, them singing... dancing.
He didn't want to go further, he knew which memory was coming next, after they met... he didn't want to see that again.

He stood there, listening to his dad singing for what it felt like an entire day.
As he slowly walked closer to the memory, and said his goodbyes, a single tear came out, and he went onto the next painting, as he feared... it was his dad, his final moments.
He fell to his knees, even with knowing what would happen, it was a big hit to his stomach.
He saw his father running to him as he tried to calm down Toothless, him preparing to fire a plasma blast and his father jumping in front of him to protect him, sacrificing himself to save his son.

As he laid there he fell asleep, when he woke up he looked away not wanting to relive that memory again, and he went on.

He saw the white Night Fury, and Toothless, he saw him fall in love once more, he was proud of him, Toothless was the best friend he ever had, one he wishes every day to see again even if he can't, they made a promise that they'd never leave their own world, he hopes he'll get to meet him one more time, in the halls of Valhalla.

As he continues to walk, he sees someone walking, the same way he's walking, but this person is looking at the other paintings, even if his curiosity did peak once a while to look at them, he did not, they were not his memories to look at, not his to re-live.
Quickly he sped up the pace, quickly looking at his own memories, seeing the life with Astrid, them coming closer and closer this person came closer too, once he was close enough he saw it was a man walking, he put his hand on his shoulder and saw Snotlout.

As soon as Snotlout felt a hand on his shoulder in this empty hall, he looked behind him and saw someone he had not seen in a while, Hiccup.
A tear was shed, Snotlout fell to his knees apologizing continuously, he should have paid more attention to his surroundings, it was all my fault.
"It's all okay, I know Astrid will raise my kids to be proud vikings."
With hearing that, Snotlout cried even more and hugged Hiccup.

Together they kept on walking, looked at the memories on the walls.
They walked for what it felt like days on end, until they finally saw a door at the end of the hall.
The doors of Valhalla.

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