Part 19

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*Third Person P.O.V*

The area Minami and Risa stand in is barely recognisable from what it was nearly half an hour ago. All the trees within a hundred metres had all been obliterated by Risa's wild Scorch Release orbs, and were no more then mere sticks burnt to the crisp. No rock was left untouched; there were multiple holes in the earth from where the two opposing forces had contact. Light steam filled the air between Risa and Minami, who stood a metre away from each other, both panting. The effects of the arduous battle were visible in their faces.

"You're... you're pretty good, [Name]-chan," grins Minami, one side of his face charred from one of Risa's attacks. "And here I thought Pakura had only taught your sister the ways of the Scorch Release!" Risa keeps her face straight, trying to catch her breath.

"Well... first things first..." (A/N: IM THE REALEST HAHAHAHAHA IM SO FUNNY SLAPS THIGH PREACH okay bye) 

She straightens up and returns to her battle stance, grinning with confidence.

"I'm Risa [Surname]. The girl you kidnapped? Yeah, that's my sister, [Name]. Looks like you took the wrong girl, pal."

Meanwhile, Kita and Nishi make haste to their second hideout, with you knocked out and tied to Kita's back, completely swathed in one of Kita's travelling cloaks.

"What's taking him so long?" exclaims Nishi as they rush under the cover of the trees. "It shouldn't be that hard to defeat a low ranking kunoichi like her!" Kita scowls at his brother.

"Never underestimate the Sand shinobi!" he says foully. "Besides, he's held her off for long enough! We've gotten rid of this girl's scent- they can't track us down anymore!"

*Risa P.O.V*

I stand over the blonde guy's limp body, wheezing. He'd managed to lodge a kunai somewhere in my ribcage, but, that's the least of my concerns for now. I cackle maniacally and point at his pale face.

"Who's... who's the best now, huh?!" I laugh. "Uh huh! Me! Me, Risa of the Sand! Risa... [Surname]..." A wave of dizziness sweeps over me, and I drop to my knees, head hanging. How long has it been? Thirty, forty minutes? At the best, Ichiro should be on his way back with the Kazekage, if I'm lucky. If not...

I gently toy with the kunai and the idea of yanking it out, but then decide against it because I don't want to bleed to death. Slowly, I get to my feet, battered and bruised, yet still determined to get up and find [Name]. I take one step forward, and instantly know that it was the wrong thing to do.


At least I have the common sense to turn around as I fall.

"Don't go after [Name] without me..."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐀𝐙𝐄𝐊𝐀𝐆𝐄'𝐒 𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐑 | gaaraWhere stories live. Discover now