•○ Rush x reader: Rushing for someone. ○•

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(Didn't want to bother re-writing everything, so read through that before continuing on through this chapter, btw there is mentions of bl00d, cuts, and stuff like that.)

I back away by a few steps before he suddenly grabs me by the wrist

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I back away by a few steps before he suddenly grabs me by the wrist. It felt like he was digging into my skin, but it's probably due to the fact that his hands are more like claws. He stares at my more rather scared expression and silently chuckles.

"You look cute when you're scared, you know." He said, leaning towards me. He got a bit too close which caused me to slip and almost fall down to the ground, head first. But he caught me.

He basically swooped me up off the ground, bridal style. I blushed. "Put me down, I don't wanna be carried!" I shouted at him, trying to get out of his kinda painful grasp. "You going to be carried anyway." He replied, going all the way to door 67 before opening a side door in the 4-way hallway.

It had a bed in it and he put me down on it. "I'm gonna go talk with Screech really quick, I'll be back..."
"Don't go anywhere."

He then dashed away. He probably saw what happened in that one dark room in the first few rooms (screech bit Y/N twice)- wait.

Eh. It'll be fine. Probably.

I looked around the room. It was like the rest of the bedrooms I saw during my journey through this hell hole. I check the drawers just because I wanted to, then I noticed blood going down my arm. "Oh shit!" I shouted, looking in every nook and cranny I could to find bandages or something that could stop the bleeding.

Rush then came back. "(Y/N), what are you doing?" He asked. I darted up from my crouched position and try my best to hide the cut that he gave me by accident. "Oh, nothing. I'm fine!" Then, some of the blood dripped onto the floor. We both looked down at the drops of blood before looking back up at each other.

He then grabbed my arm, inspecting the cut that was on it. "Did I do this?! I am so, so sorry!" He apologized constantly as I try calm him down. "Its okay, I know you didn't mean to."

He nods. "Let's go find something for your wound, unless you want it to get infected." We then went and checked the drawers, and we found bandages we could use and patched it up. I got up from where I was sitting and started to walk away.

"Hey, thanks for helping me with that, I should get going though-" he grabbed me by the hand, gently this time. He had a frown of some kind on his face"Can you stay for awhile longer? I get lonely pretty fast, and I hate it when I'm alone." I sigh and think.

"Okay, I can. 3 hours tops, alright?" He does his signature smile and nods. "Thank you."

(Word count: 520 minus the MB part of this oneshot)

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