•○ Halt x reader: The Waltz I had with a Ghost. ○•

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Hi, I'm Y/N. That one weird dork in class that basically no one execpt the teacher's like and the one that is always listening to music to cope with stress. I had ended up in this hotel, like, 5 days ago? I dunno, it feels like it's been forever. Thank heavens that there is wifi here, although my headphone and phone batteries are getting low.

I was around door 70 or something like that, just doing my thing while trying to get out of this cursed hotel when I got teleported into a hallway. One problem: my headset stopped working, but I had something else to deal with. I heard something appear behind me so I just started running until my vision became static for a second and said "TURN AROUND" billions of times.

No random thing is telling me what to do, especially not after what happened at school. I walked backwards before my vision did it again... and again. And again. My vision became static again but this time it said "RUN AWAY" but I didn't because I FUCKIN SLIPPED.

The thing that had been trying to hunt me down this whole time got ahold of me into this position... somehow? Did it like- form arms?! Weird. ( idk how to describe it so yea 😭)

It swooped me up at speeds I couldn't comprehend

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It swooped me up at speeds I couldn't comprehend... we had basically gotten ourselves into a waltz. I could hear music play on a nearby radio.

After a few minutes, the song had finished and so did our waltz. I was whole heartedly expecting it too kill me, but it didn't. Instead, it spoke. "Thank you. I haven't had that much fun in so long..." I shrug. "No problem I guess? What's your name?"

"Halt. And you?"


"It was nice to meet you. May we meet again." Halt handed me a note and I was teleported out. I read the note...
(What it said is up to you! Just have fun with your imagination I guess)

Word count: 351)

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