•○ Timothy x reader: haha, spidey senses! ○•

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(Yes. This is platonic.)

I was looking through some of the drawers for something when one of the drawers had a small yet very familiar face in it. "AAAA-" Timothy jumped out right towards me. "OH HOLY CHEESE CAKE!-" I randomly shouted as Timothy landed on my face and bit me in the process

"Ah shoot- so sorry! You just scared me." Timothy said. "You can speak?!" Timothy nods. "I'm surprised you could even hear me! Hey, what's your name?" He asks me as I get up onto my feet with him on my shoulder. "(Y/N)."

"Nice to talk to ya (Y/N)! You probably know me as Timothy, yes?" He said, crawling down my arm onto my palm as I nod. "Now is it okay if I put you back in the drawer?-"

"waitwaitwaitwait- whaaat?! No! I want to be friends, which means I'm sticking with ya! I also got a deal I want to make."

"Which is...?"

"Well, if you let me stay with you and also give me food to eat, then I will let you know if anyone like rush or ambush are gonna come on by when you go into the next room, and that's while were in the room before the one I would be talking about- Deal?" He asked, his front legs being all jittery, going up and down. Looks like he wants me to accept the offer.

"Tempting, but no thanks-"

"I can also let you know if jack is gonna be in the closet you're gonna go into!"

"I really don't need that, but thanks for the-"

"I could go find bandages for you!"

"Sorry Timothy, but no-"


"No." I said firmly, staring down Timothy in the eyes... he looked so sad! "Ooookkaaaayyyyy..." he slowly crawled to the tip of my fingers which were right above the drawer, all droopy. Before he was gonna go back into the drawer, I stop him. "Wait."

He looked to me, curious. "What kind of food do you want?" He then perks up. "Flies. Dead flies." I look to a wall shelf which has a dead fly on it. I hold Timothy up to the shelf so he could go and eat it.

He quickly gets onto the shelf and starts eating as I finally get back to what I was trying to do before I encountered Timothy: looking for a key.

I then hear some keys jingle in one of the drawers behind me. "You're looking for the key, right? Well, I found it!" Timothy said. I turn around and see he looks fricking human?! He tosses the keys over to me. "No questioning why I look like this, that should be for later."


Next day, we have a normal discussion about why Timothy reminds me of Spider-Man. It was 'TOTALLY' normal.

(Idk what else to put into this so yeah sorry it's short 🙃
Word count: 489)

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