Chapter 2

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*Alarm ringing*

Y/N: Morning already?, well I better get going before I'm late for school.

Hina Hikawa: Yo! anyone home?.

Y/N: You're really early yet again huh?.

Hina Hikawa: You know I always do my morning routine before I go to school you know.

Y/N: Yeah what was that again?.

Hina Hikawa: Guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar.

Y/N: Yeah thought so, that's not even a routine In my eyes.

Hina Hikawa: But it is though?, it's just all different type of chords.

Y/N: Chord wha- now?.

Hina Hikawa: ... 

Y/N: Yeah whatever, Just wait me in the couch, ill take a shower first.

Hina Hikawa: fine, you owe me fries again though.

Y/N: Okay.


Y/N: Done, let's get going then.

Hina Hikawa: Aren't you gonna eat breakfast first?.

Y/N: You know I don't eat breakfast, I just grab a can of coffee milk from the convenience store.

Hina Hikawa: Ah, right.

Y/N: we'll what are you waiting for?, let's get going.

Hina Hikawa: You go first.

Y/N: Are u kidding me?, I literally have to lock the house first before we go, are you out of your mind?.

Hina Hikawa: Ohhh, uh yeah.

Y/N: Why are you still standing there?, let's go already.

Hina Hikawa: Let's get to school.

Y/N: Yeah, but before that let me buy some coffee milk at the convenience store.

Hina Hikawa: Sure!

Y/N: Since the store is nearby to a school it's a score that we don't have to go to another street and go back.

Hina Hikawa: You said it, but I don't really buy anything there.

Y/N: Cause you only like fast food fries.

Hina Hikawa: I feel like that's a compliment and an insult at the same time.

Y/N: You bet ya.


Y/N: Just wait outside, it'll only take a minute for me to buy 3 cans.

Hina Hikawa: 3 cans?, That's too much.

Y/N: I don't eat lunch neither just coffee as well.

Hina Hikawa: No wonder you're so bland and gloomy.

Y/N: And yet you're the opposite of me, "Colorful and The joy itself", but the opposite of those two versions are both friends, which is odd but hey It doesn't matter in any way.

Hina Hikawa: Just buy it already or else we're gonna be late for school.

Y/N: Chill it's just a few minutes, and we're literally just in front of the gate.

Hina Hikawa: I know but there's something I wanna show you.

Y/N: I'll be quick as the speed of light cause that's something positive.

Hina Hikawa: faster than that.


Y/N: Okay done.

Hina Hikawa: Wow that was fast.

Y/N: Told you, faster than the speed of light.

Hina Hikawa: Any way, come on follow me.

Y/N: Yeah.


Y/N: So where are we going?.

Hina Hikawa: You'll see.


Hina Hikawa: we're here!.

Y/N: Eh?, But it's just nothing.

Hina Hikawa: they're not here yet.

Y/N: Eh?, they're not here yet? what do you mean?.


Murama Aya: Yo!.

Y/N: Eh who are you?.

Murama Aya: who are you also?, oh are you also joining pastel palletes?.

Y/N: No, But what is this Hina?.

Hina Hikawa: Tadaa!, I have a band now!.

Y/N: But it's just you two?, you guys are incomplete.

Murama Aya: they are still in class so yeah.

Y/N: But what about you then?.

Murama Aya: I was excused by her of course.

Hina Hikawa: Of course, anything to surprise my good ol bud here.

Y/N: we'll that was fast, that you got a band already.

Hina Hikawa: actually they found me holding my guitar and just bothered me to join theirs, which I agreed because this is the thing I've been waiting for.

Y/N: Yeah, well congrats!.

Hina Hikawa: Thank you.

Murama Aya: So Is he joining or what?.

Hina Hikawa: About that, he isn't gonna join, I just surprised him that I got into a band.

Murama Aya: we'll then I'll be going back to class then.

Hina Hikawa: Thank you again.

Murama Aya: No problem!, See ya later.

Hina Hikawa: So what do you think?, I know it's sudden and everything but look at me, achieving it now.

Y/N: Yes, I'm happy for you.

Hina Hikawa: You'll cheer me on right?, right?

Y/N: Of course.

*bell rings*

Hina Hikawa: Oh shoot, we're late for class.

Y/N: Make a run for it?.

Hina Hikawa: You said it.


Y?N: The teacher is not even here, what did we even rush for.

Hina Hikawa: You know we don't have homeroom class.

Y/N: Then why did you insist, that we make a run for it?.

Hina Hikawa: I forgot today's Wednesday and not Thursday and I honestly thought our first period is mathematics. 

Y/N: Man, if I only know the class schedule I wouldn't jump into anything like this.

Hina Hikawa: Ehehe, my bad at least we're here right?

Y/N: Yeah, I'll just ignore the fact that you are class president and yet schedules of your own class section is that you don't memorize.

Hina Hikawa: My bad, you know I was a bit of excited about earlier so yeah.

Y/N: Ah so that's why you we're weird in the house earlier and spacing out that much.

Hina Hikawa: Is it really that noticeable?.

Y/N: Uh Yeaah?, I can see the difference from a mile away.

Hina Hikawa: So what do we even do in the homeroom class?, I mean we're allowed to leave the classroom and do anything elsewhere for the rest of the 5 hours.

Y/N: I don't know.

Hina Hikawa: Oh I got an idea, How about we go outside and scout every member of the band in their classroom.

Y/N: Don't you think that would be creepy?

Hina Hikawa: No I don't, now let's get going.


Y/N: *In mind* "Somehow the pain isn't that painful today, and yet I'm actually moving that freely today, huh must be a good day today."

Hina Hikawa: So, you already know Murama Aya the band leader.

Y/N: Yeah, instead of looking for them why won't you just tell me what are they're names?, I probably know everyone in school.

Hina Hikawa: So you already know Murama-san, hmm how about Shirisagi chisato?.

Y/N: Yeah I know her, the cunning one.

Hina Hikawa: Eve wakamiya?

Y/N: Keytar specialist.

Hina Hikawa: Yamato maya?

Y/N: The girl with red glasses, that has a weird side?

Hina Hikawa: I don't know if she's weird but yeah you got all of them.

Y/N: As the one who gives out the things you order me around, I don't have to think a thing or two of who are the students here in this school.

Hina Hikawa: Then how did you not know about Murama Aya?

Y/N: She's.. I don't know, for the looks of it, I have never seen her after schools, she must be off somewhere afterschool.

Hina Hikawa: Ah it's because she works part time.

Y/N: Eh, that's why.


Y/N: So how did you end up joining them? and I want the full detail.

Chapter 3 -

"Play for your own" ( Y/N X Hina Hikawa )Where stories live. Discover now