Chapter Five: The First Fight of The GMG Part 1

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Hey minna how's everyone? Oh yeh don't forget if you want to read some awesome jam packed action Fairy Tail stories, (that unfortunately don't have any shipping relation to them) then go check out my friends page OfficialSilver

Oh yeah one more thing I don't no own Fairy tail all rights goes to Hiro Mashima. Tbh if I did own Fairy Tail I would of made StiCy cannon after the GMG. Also the arts I use they aren't my so credits to the artist for making them. The only ones I own are Halfa and Vlack they are my own character.

Still Halfa's POV
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, I reached over and hit the off button and got up. I got out of my pj's and wore my casual suit, with red tie kinda of thing. I went to the hall of the hotel room to see that Orga, my roommate, still hasn't gotten up. I walked over to his room and knocked on the door... No response. I knocked a second time, but this time a bit harder... But yet again still no response. I slowly stuck my head through the door to see why I wasn't getting a response from Orga.
(If you forgot why he can stick his head through a door, is because it's a ability phantom slayers have.)

I saw Orga on his bed still sleeping, but for the reason of why he can't hear me, is that fact he had ear plugs in. I pulled them out I tried to wake him up,

"Oi Orga, get up. The GMG are in like a hour and we need to be there 25 minutes early."

"Noo, go away I want to sleep." Orga said as he took his pillow and covered his face.

"No, your getting up now." I said trying to pull him from his bed. It didn't work, he was to heavy for me to pick him up.

"But I don't want to get up." He said as he pushed me aside.

"Fine you leave me no choice." I said as I started to make him float in the air. (Another phantom ability. Am just going to write what phantoms slayers ability and magics in the next chapter.)

"Okay am up!" He said surrendering, "Just put me down, it's creepy how you can just make people and things float."

"Well, am part phantom. What do you expect?"

"Uh, a ghost." I just rolled my eyes at his comment and left the room.

I told him to meet us at the arena first, then teleported myself to our booth for the games. I sat up against one of the chairs, leaned back on it and closed my eyes for a bit.

~~~Time Skip: About 10 Minutes later~~~
I was closing my eyes for a bit till I heard talking coming from the door. I opened my eyes and moved my head to face the door. The door then opened showing the rest of my team, plus Sting.

"Oh so you are already here." Sting said a bit shocked.

"Yeah and?" I said giving him a puzzled look.

"N..nothing." He said as he walked in. "Halfa since this is your first time part taking in the GMG's. Do you want any clarification on anything?" Sting asked as he sat down next to me.

"Yeah, two things. How does the GMG work? And how long are each of the 5 days?" I asked as I faced him.

"Well, first we start off we some short of game between the guilds, then we go on to the fights between two guilds. Each day last for about 8-10 hours depending on how fast the rounds go." He informed me.

I gave him a nod and went back to my position that I was in before and closed my eyes once more.

Natsu's POV

"Luce are you sure you don't want any of us to stay with you?" I asked with concern.
Last night after me and Lucy had a fight she walked out on me. After she left the guys tried to stop me from chasing after her as she needed sometime alone. When we got a knock on the the we saw Lucy on the ground unconscious, but there was no one else with her, from what I saw, but from what I smelled there were two people there with her, but could I could see them.

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