𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒: all's fair in love and war (sophie's pov)

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A dark hood was wrapped tightly over Sophie's head, and thick black chains roped to her a steel chair. Sophie was cold and sweaty, and her head was still spinning from the sweet smell of sedatives. 

She'd been in the dark for... days? Weeks? She'd lost track of time.

Suddenly, loud footsteps broke through the silence. Sophie flinched, and then her hood was removed. She was sitting in a dark room with no furniture except for the steel chair Sophie was chained to. At the far end of the prison, the metal door blocking her escape swung open, revealing a person.

"Hello, Sophie." The voice echoed.

They were barely talking, and yet, the words pounded into Sophie's brain after so many days of silence. 

"W-who are you?" Sophie croaked, her voice dull from little use. "Where am I? Why am I here?"

"All good questions, all good questions." The voice said silkily - but it answered none of them. 

The person who was speaking was still shrouded in shadows, but when they took a step forward, Sophie gasped.

It couldn't be - there was no way - this -

"No, Sophie, you're not hallucinating." The person said softly. "I'm here. And so are you. Sadly."

The person was a small girl, about a foot smaller than Sophie. She had long, curly black hair and huge brown eyes, the size of dinner plates. She was dressed in thick black robes, all midnight black, and had dark combat boots. The smile was so much more bitter than Sophie remembered, and Sophie felt her stomach lurch. 

"Well... welcome, I guess. It was nice seeing you. I've got to go, but I hope you have a good day."

"I wouldn't hold my breath." Sophie mumbled, giving her an evil glare.

"Goodbye, Sophie Foster!" The girl said, giving Sophie a sour smile.

Sophie actually thought she might be going insane. Because there was simply no way she could be thinking correctly. The darkness and the sedatives and the quiet must've gotten to her, because there was no way that the girl in front of Sophie could be the one she remembered.

There was no way that the girl with the bitter smile and cruel eyes could be Erica Douglass.

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