𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎: the dreaded chapter (aka moexii asks keefe out)

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Keefe felt all the blood drain from his face.

He snatched the letter and bolted up to his room. He slammed the door closed. Then, Keefe buried the letter under his mattress, determined not to think about it. Ro strolled in and surveyed him with an amused - if slightly perplexed - expression. 

"What's up?" She asked. 

"The sky." Keefe replied sarcastically.

She glared at him.

Keefe went to bed, his stomach flopping wildly and terror coursing through his veins.


The next morning, he couldn't stand it. The guilt twirling in his stomach was enough to make him sick. He locked the door, snatched the letter from underneath in his mattress and tore open the letter. Once again, curly cursive letters filled the page.

Dear Mr. Sencen -

It's amazing to see you. I hope the stomach trouble gets better soon.

Keefe's eyes widened. How did they know?

Fortunately for you, you have not told anyone about this letter. If you had, Sophie would be gone. But, luckily, you haven't, and your dearest remains alive. For now. Anyway, we have an announcement.

The plan has been changed. You will gather these said people in Copper Square TONIGHT.

The word rang in Keefe's head. Tonight, tonight, tonight. Tonight. No more stalling.

Again, no mention of why you brought these people here until 12:00. On the dot. Exactly.

Any earlier, and Sophie will die. I know this is getting a bit redundant, but it's very true. Oh, it's time for lunch. See you tonight!

Keefe's stomach flipped. Oh my gosh... his stomach was going to come up.

Then he felt a whole different thing come up.

He bolted to the bathroom and vomitted up what must've been a whole day's worth of food. When he finally stopped, the toilet was green and swirly.

"KEEFE, OPEN THIS DOOR OR I WILL BUST IT DOWN ON YOUR SKULL!" Ro screamed from the other side of the door.

Keefe wiped his mouth and stood up, stumbling dazedly to the door and unlocking it.


"S-sorry." Keefe stuttered. 

"Sorry?" Ro cried mockingly. "S-sorry? This isn't a sorry, situation, Keefe!"

But her anger faded when Keefe bolted back to the bathroom.

"Oh, ewwwww." She muttered as Keefe leaned over the toilet and retched again.

But, hesitantly, she walked over to the toilet and rubbed his back. The constant motion made his stomach lurch again - but it also calmed him.

Why am I vomitting so much? He wondered. I mean, I've done stuff before and I haven't gotten queasy. Why now?

But this question wasn't answered, because another round came up.

Ro lunged back, her nose wrinkled. "Yeah, you're not going to school today."

"Okay." Keefe said brightly.

He was about to go grab some butterblasts when another round of nausea forced him to retreat to the toilet. 

Ro wrinkled her nose and slammed the door closed.


Five hours later, the last of the vomit had finally come out. But, as he'd learned the hard way, any food would give welcome ammunition to the puke train.

Moexii walked in a couple seconds later. She was holding a large bag of sweets, like lushberry juice and butterblasts. 

"Hey." She said quietly. "You feeling any better?"

Keefe shook his head miserably. 

Moexii sighed. "According to my mom, these candies will help."

She pulled out a small green box. When she opened it, there was a mushy greenish-brown candy that smelt like rancid roadkill. 

"Does that cure stomachache or cause stomachache?" Keefe asked, raising his eyebrows.

Moexii shrugged. "Only one way to find out."

Keefe carefully spooned a little bit of the candy into his mouth - and there was an instant effect. His stomach settled, and the nausea faded. The taste, granted, wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't that bad.

"Your mom is amazing." Keefe said, sighing happily.

Moexii giggled. "So, at Foxfire, they're doing a Midnight Ball."

"A what?" Keefe asked.

"A ball that's thrown at midnight because of these super rare flowers that only bloom once every millenia. At midnight. Apparently, one of the largest stashes of them is at Foxfire. So in a couple weeks, they're throwing a ball for all the prodigies. At the end of the night, there are awards. The winners get rewards and a bunch of candy." Moexii explained.

"Cool." Keefe said, but he thought about Sophie.

How he really wished he could see her face as the plants bloomed. How gorgeous she'd look in the moonlight. How he would love to dance with her, for just a night, and see her look happy and free. Maybe if Sophie was here, he'd ask her to go with him. Maybe.

"Who do you want to go with?" Moexii asked casually.

"Um..." Keefe turned red. "Well, there's this girl I really like. Her name's Sophie. I've had a crush on her for forever. But she's... busy right now. I just kind of wish she'd go with me."

Moexii's face darkened, but Keefe had no idea why.

She smiled at him, looking a little cautious and a little excited. "Well, I don't have a date either. So if you want, you could go with me. As friends."

Keefe felt his face go even redder than it already was, and he knew instantly that the guilt was coming back, despite the miracle candy Moexii's mom had made.

"Oh, uh..." Keefe said quietly. 

"You don't have to say yes." Moexii said quickly. She stood up, and looked like she was going to leave, but Keefe grabbed her hand.

"Yeah." Keefe said, shocking himself. "Sure, let's do it."

The brewing storm cloud on Moexii's face instantly lifted. 

"Cool." She said, grinning.

Moexii quickly leaned down and then pressed her soft lips to Keefe's cheek.

"See you!" She said brightly, looking excited.

Keefe closed his eyes, feeling his stomach toss and turn. He knew that this was wrong, that this whole thing was wrong. But it was too late.

Keefe flopped back on his bed, feeling like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

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