𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐: when good kids go bad

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"Hello?" Keefe called.

He knew nobody would answer - they hadn't been for the past hour. But he couldn't stand the overwhelming silence anymore.

But this time, somebody did answer.

His blindfold was jerked off, and standing there was Sophie.

It was her - gorgeous, looking terrified, posture slightly slumped, and bone thin.

"Sophie!" He cried, in shock.

"Shh." She mumbled, unlocking his hands.

In complete giddiness and shock, he took advantage of his clear eyes to look around the room. He was in a long, dark room - much like Sophie's, in his dream. He was strapped to a large piece of furniture, and a huge metal door was across the room from him.

"I was right!" He whispered. "You were here!"

Sophie didn't respond. She simply started walking, and Keefe stood up. 

I stood up! He thought enthusiastically. Sophie's here, and we're not captured, and maybe this'll work out!

Sophie continued walking, not talking, barely making a sound, but she seemed to have a very clear idea of where she was going. She pulled open the door, then continued down the stone hallway, not looking the slightest bit worried. In fact, she walked with purpose, going down the corridor as though she belonged there.

They walked through the stone hallway for several more turns, long enough to make Keefe's feet sore.

"Where are we going?" He finally whispered.

"Shh!" Sophie snapped, going rigid. "They'll hear you!"

Finally, they turned and entered another metal door. Inside, there was a huge chamber made out of sparkling silver and marble. It was empty, except for a large dais with a silver throne. It had blue diamonds in the shape of a crescent moon carved into it. Everything behind it was hidden with ice blue curtains.

It was gorgeous - but that wasn't why Keefe gasped.

Standing inside were the rest of his friends, all dressed in ratty black clothes like his own. But they all had Sophie standing in front of them.

It took Keefe a moment to understand.

Five Sophies, all identically copies of each other, stood in front of them.

The Sophies continued walking, as though nothing was wrong, all in the same stiff, long strides. 

When it looked as though they were about to run into each other. But when they did, all of the Sophies merged into one, who looked exactly the same as the others.

Now, Sophie talked. "Hello." She said in a hollow voice.

"W-who are you?!" Biana screamed.

"Sophie." The person, who was very clearly not Sophie, said. "Obviously."

"You're not Sophie." Dex said, his voice shaking.

"I am all that remains." Not-Sophie said - and her voice echoed around the chamber, magnifying, as if all of the Sophies were speaking.

"Yes, she is." A voice said from behind her.

A figure strolled into the room. It was an odd person-thing.

Their entire body was covered in glowing white and silver robes. They had a long blue braid going down to their feet, and their face was covered by a large silver mask.

"Nice to, officially, meet you." The figure said, and Keefe could almost hear the smile in their voice. "I'm Lunar."

Pieces began clicking in Keefe's mind - Lunar, the girl, the wacko everyone was talking about.

"Are you part of the Neverseen?" Linh asked, sounding bizarrely calm. 

"No, no." The figure said dismissively. "Those fools? You think I could be a part of their organization? The Neverseen?"

She said it with the same disdain one might've said dirty underwear or barfing imp. It was complete and utter disgust.

"No, no, no." Lunar continued. "I am a part of the Wynterstorm. W-Y-N-T-E-R." 

"Um... what?" Keefe asked, now feeling confused.

"Wynter." Lunar replied, enunciating every syllable. "It is a word in a language long forgotten. But it means revenge. Revenge on the horrible beast that has ruined my world."

"Your world?" Fitz repeated.

"My world." Lunar confirmed. "The world that was rightfully mine. Are you too dim to understand that, boy?"

Fitz's eyes widened. "You little -"

He tried to launch himself at her, but Lunar snapped, and a girl appeared.

She was the same girl Keefe had seen in his dream. The girl thrust out her arm, and Fitz's body disappeared, then reappeared at the opposite end of the chamber. White ropes appeared out of nowhere and lashed him to the wall. 

The girl, her part finished, now stood behind Lunar. Lunar smiled cheerfully at the girl, as though she had just given her some candy, and the girl grinned, looking so happy that Keefe thought she might explode.

Now, Lunar whirled back around to face the rest of them. "Be happy Erica is only restraining him. The rest of you will not be so lucky."

Lunar ripped off her mask, revealing huge ice blue eyes and a face that reminded Keefe of someone. She had a strange twinkle to her eye, as though kidnapping and most likely murder and torture was all a game. The twinkle reminded Keefe of someone... suddenly, it all clicked. Moexii. This girl looked like a blue-haired Moexii.

"It's rude to stare." Lunar said mockingly. "Do I... remind you of someone?" 

Keefe swallowed. 

Biana looked confused. Dex looked apprehensive. Fitz was out cold - jeez, somebody should really check on him. Linh's face was a mask of calm. Tam was furious. But Lunar had the smug, all-knowing smirk of somebody who knew what was happening.

Lunar lightened her tone and slightly slumped her posture. "Hey, loser." She said - and at the point, she was so much like Moexii, Keefe wanted to scream.

"I'm here for revenge." Lunar said flatly. "Which reminds me..."

Lunar snapped again, and this time, a white-haired figure was dragged in, by nothing.

It was Moexii - the real Moexii. She was bone-thin, pale, and had thick, red scratches over her face. 

"Keefe!" She cried, looking shocked. "Why are you here? It's so good to see you! I mean, not in this situation, but... this is crazy!"

Keefe almost cried as Moexii stopped moving right next to him.

"Hey." He muttered.

"Anyway, back to me." Lunar called from the dais. "Remember me?"

Moexii shook her head frantically, looking terrified.

"Hello again." Lunar said, narrowing her eyes. "It's so nice to see you. But... a little not nice. Especially considering how much trouble I've gone through to find you. And yet, you have no greeting for me?"

"Moexii?" Keefe asked, staring at her. What did Lunar mean?

Moexii shook her head again. "Keefe -"

"No how-have-you-been?" Lunar asked, sighing. "No hello? Oh, Keefe, you thought you could trust her?"

What is she talking about? Keefe thought. But then, he knew.

"Oh, yes, Keefe." Lunar now looked particularly delighted, a malicious smile lingering on her face. "Moexii and I are related. In fact, she's my sister!"

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