Part 7

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Tommy pov:

" Tommy " " yes dream" " turn around " " why " " because I said so " " yes sir " my face turns to horror when dream pulls out a blade. " Take out your wings " " Now tommy I'm going to ask you one more time answer honestly " " what do you and the hero's do " " what do you mean by that" " I mean what do you guys talk about " " I'm normally in my office when they are talking about villains " " well tommy what are you going to do about that " " I don't know " " well you can start by telling me their names" " I can't " " tommy did I say you had an option " " no sir " " so tell me tommy what are their names."

" Crow's is Phil, the blade's is Techno, and Siren's is Wilbur " " good that's all I needed to know you can go on patrol now but remember to come back before curfew " " yes sir." I head to my room to change into my vigilante outfit and leave I head to Me, Tubbo's, and Ranboo's spot to see a sad looking bee boy and a stress looking enderman " hey guys " " TOMMY " "I'm so sorry I should have not had blowen up on you like that please forgive me" " I already forgive you bee " " thank fuck I thought I lost one of my best friends " " Hey Thesus " Yes ender " " what's that on your leg " " I look down to see one of my bruises showing " I got that form my last patrol " " Okay just wondering "

" See you later Thesus " " Bye " we left to go patrol like stopping mugging and small store robbers' stuff like that * Thud* I turn around and see Crow there " hey mate " " hi?" "I came to see if you were okay " " I'm fine " " whatever you say " " how are you doing" " I'm doing fine " " good " " why?" " just wondering " " okay? " I need to get going now be safe " " you too"

After Crow left, I heard screaming I flew down into the ally way to see somebody getting mugged. " Hey " " uh " " leave them alone " " and why should I " " what are you going to do " " I'm going to beat your ass " " I would like to see you try " * pulls out gun * shit " look over there " " were " * smack * " you bitch " I grab his arm trying to get the gun from him. When he pulls the trigger, and it hits my leg " fuck " I grabbed my bat and hit him over the head.

  " Bitch " I tie him up for the cops and head home " Dream I'm home " * no response * he probably left lets take care of my leg. I stop the bleeding and head to bed.

* Next day *

Ugh my leg hurts I do what I do every day and head to work. " Good morning, Tommy " " good morning to you to Henery " " I have scanned you and it looks like you got a gun shot, some bruising, and a couple of cuts do you want me to inform your bosses?" " No please don't " " sorry but I'm informed to let someone know " shit I hate that robot sometimes I head to floor 36 to see Wilbur waiting for me " hey tommy " " hey " " come with me " " ok " " we head to Phil's office. " Morning mate " " morning " " Phil, I must Inform you that tommy has a gun shot in is leg, a couple of bruising, and some cuts " Wilbur, Techno, Phil's eyes widen and turn to look at me " Tommy " " yes " " are you hurt " " no " " don't lie mate "

" yes " the next thing I knew I was picked up by Wilbur and all four of us were heading to the medic floor " Tommy " " yes " " how did you get shot " " I was mugged " " why didn't you call one of use or Sam." " I can handle it myself " " clearly you can't " Techno, Phil, and Wilbur's eyes were filled with raged.

The elevator door opened, and I was put in a room where Nikki was looking at my leg that got shot. " It's not that bad it didn't go through all the way I just got to get the built out" " there let me go get bandages " I look up to see a pissed looking techno who is probleby going to murder someone Phil and Wilbur look worried " I'm back with the bandages for your leg and cuts " 

After Nikki finished with bandaging my leg, she starts to bandage my cuts. After she was done Wilbur carried me back to their place. Wilbur places me on the couch and sits right beside me will Techno went to his room to grab something will Phil was gathering blankets and pillows to make a nest.

Hey guys I'm so glad you like this I hope you enjoy it I have a good day or night were every you are see you all next time.     

words: 955

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