Part 12

654 13 7

" Wilbur get off me " " nu " " why? " " Warm " a low chuckle comes from right next to us " Wilbur mate let him go " " but- " " no buts " " fine " " finally I can breathe " " I wasn't even hugging you that tight. " 

" Bitch " " child " " fuck you " " aw I love you too " " fuck you " you can hear Phil and Techno laughing in the background. " What are you guys laughing about " " nothing mate " " how we go get lunch " " were though " " we can eat at puffy dinner " " let's go " " let's go then "

* After they got to the dinner *

" Well look what we got here " " Phil, Techno, and Wilbur " " Phil did you adopt another child " " not this time " " then who is this " " this is Tommy " " Tommy say hi " " hi " " oh Tommy don't be shy " " Wilbur shut up. "

" Make me " " ow don't kick me you child " " Not a Child Dickhead " " I'm 18 you fucker " " you look like your 16 " " I'm no- " " boys stop fighting " " sorry " both of them say " anyways follow me I'll take you to your table. "

" Thanks, Puffy " " welcome " " here you go tell me if you need anything " 

* After they got done eating and got back (I got lazy and didn't know what to put here) *

" Me and Techno have to go on patrol now bye see you later " " bye mate " after Wilbur and Techno left Phil took me into his office because he has to tell me something.

" So, Phil what did you want to talk about " " Well mate " " never mind " " Phil- " " can you fill out the rest of Wilbur paperwork he didn't do them after I told him to many times " " sure is that all? " " Yea that will be great mate thanks " " no problem, Phil " 

* Phil pov : *

I leave my office and shut the door behind me. I just can't get what Wilbur said out of my head and the more that I thank about it they do act the same a lot. It's probably a coincidence but I wonder- no stop thinking about it there not the same person.

* 3 Hours later Tommy pov : *

Finally, I'm done with Wilbur stupid paperwork I can finally go home Wilbur and Techno aren't back yet there still on patrol. I say my goodbyes to Phil and leave. When I get in the doorway dream is waiting for me " Tommy I'm going out stay indoors " " do you understand me " " yes sir " " I'll be back in the morning. "

" Okay " Dream leaves I go to my room to get ready for bed. 

* In the morning *

God, I hate waking up in the mornings. Its Saturday yes, I'm off Its not like I don't want to see Phil, Wilbur, and Techno my bird brain is screaming at me asking for flock damn how I miss them.

* Tommy bird brain *

Flock members









God how I hate my stupid bird brain.

* 10 Mintuses later *

When will they shut up there just repeating over and over again, they just won't shut up. Fuck why won't the leave me alone " Tommy I'm back " Dream yells form the front door then all of a sudden, my stupid bird brain yells


Thank you for all the support and thank you to the person that told me that I spelt Moana wrong I'm so sorry for the people who read that if I spell anything wrong like that again then please let me know and I will change it as soon as I see your comment Have a good day or night, I'm posting this early because I'm going to be busy on Sunday.  

Words: 770    

Vigilante TommyWhere stories live. Discover now