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"I'll be back as soon as possible." Vox said carresing Shoto's hair. he gave his hair a kiss as he got inside his car to finish some job.

After the job, Vox waves at his loyal knights and opens his car to go back to his cozy home to rest for the whole night

Vox came home with blood on his white fancy suit. "What happened?" Shoto asks, No response. He handed water and the medkits to Vox. He had bruises. He helped him remove his suite and brought it to the washing machine.

After a few hours, they were at the bed room, Shoto was sleeping beside Vox.

Shoto woke up. Vox wasn't beside him. He got up to search for Vox. As soon as he found him, he gave him a hug. Vox pushed him away. "Ew, Shoto what the fuck?! What if my girlfriend see this?" Vox pushed him roughly, Vox walked away quickly, he was drifting away. Shoto couldn't move. It was like some invisible chain was preventing him to chase after Vox. ' No..please don't leave..' Shoto thought to himself.

He woke up.

It was a nightmare.

Vox was on a call with someone reporting about the traitor he killed earlier. He could feel Shoto wiggling. He looked at him, furrowed his eyebrows. Shoto was sweating. Vox told the person on the phone to continue the discussion tomorrow.

Shoto expected Vox to comfort him, But Vox turned away and grabbed his laptop to work on something. Shoto got closer Vox to cuddle. "Shoto. Move. I can't do my work properly." Vox pushes Shoto slightly off his hands. "Please Vox, just for a while." Shoto clings onto Vox's hand, this time, Vox pushes him roughly. "Shoto! You know I've been very busy nowadays, you are so fucking clingy and annoying, can't you just go to sleep?!" Vox looked at Shoto with anger in his eyes.

Shoto looked at Vox, he was hurt at what Vox said. "I.. I'm sorry. I'll go." Shoto grabs his pillow and ran off. Vox stared at the door for a few seconds and got back to work.

The sun woke Vox up, it was a good morning. Vox stretches, he was really thirsty. Vox yawns and heads to the kitchen. He grabs a water bottle from the refrigerator and drinks it as he tries to find Shoto, his eyes landed on the pancake Shoto made for him. It's what he love about Shoto. Shoto would do something that would make him smile like an idiot.

He ate the food and immediately searches for Shoto. He checked their bathroom and living room but no one was there. He was starting to feel anxious, he couldn't find Shoto anywhere. One choice left, Shoto's favorite place. Their backyard. He would often read while listening to music or stare at the flowers that had the same scent as him.

He ran to the backyard, to see Shoto reading a book.

He tapped Shoto. Shoto looked at him, and looked back at his book. Vox was confused, he thought Shoto would greet him or even better, give him a kiss. But he didn't. He sat down beside Shoto. Shoto's eyes didn't even lit up when he saw Vox. "Shoto~ Good morningg~" Vox taps Shoto's leg. No response.

Shoto closes his book and abruptly gets up and got inside the house. It pained Vox. Sure, it was really nice of his lover to cook him food, but he also wanted company and attention.

He follows him into the house, he didn't know where Shoto went. He searched around their shared bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom.

No signs. He wouldn't be in the guest room right? It was only used whenever the other Luxiem members come by. He checked the guest bedroom, it was locked. There was no way the door was locked without being occupied.

"Shoto? Can you open the door? Please?" No response. He had no choice but to open it with the key. He grabs the key off the cabinet and opens it. Shoto was laying down. He sat down beside Shoto and snakes his hands to his waist. Shoto took his hands off and covered his body with the sheet. "Shoto..?" Vox was hurt. His lover wasn't even giving him any attention or a spare glance.

Vox looked away, as he was about to head out the room, Shoto's face last night suddenly flashes in his mind. Right. He screamed at him. Shoto's face looks so pained.

He walked towards Shoto.

With no hesitation, Vox hugs him. "I'm sorry for shouting at you last night.." Shoto tries to push him, Vox's hug got tighter. "Please.. go away. I don't want to see you."

"No love. Don't say that."

"I'm really sorry."

"If you are, then you shouldn't have shouted at me. You should've thought before you told me those words." Shoto felt tears running down his eyes.

"Yes.. I'm sorry. It's just, I was really tired that I lashed out on you. Im sorry." Vox hugs him tighter. And laid down with Shoto and carress his hair to calm him down.

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