Chapter 8

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When dad opened the door I saw two man figures one had blond crazy hair and was quite tall and the other one had black hair and was the same hight as the other man but when I saw their faces I was really shocked.

It was Felix and Mark.

"Come in" said dad.

As Felix and Mark came towards me I got so nervous I just couldn't believe pewdiepie and Markiplier are in dads and mines house.

"Hi" said Felix and Mark.

"H-Hi" I said nervously.

"You don't need to be nervous around us" said Felix.

"Ok but the thing is that you, Mark and dad are my favourite youtubers" I said looking into Felix's blue eyes.

After me, Felix, Mark and dad sat on the couch Felix and Mark said that they were staying for a few days.

"OMG that is awesome plus it's my birthday tomorrow" I said.

I looked at dad, Felix and Mark and they looked shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"Your going to be 15 years old tomorrow with your favourite youtubers" said dad.

"And family" said Mark.

"Yeah that too" I said giggling "where are yours going to sleep?" I asked.

"I'm going to sleep on the couch but I didn't know where marks going to sleep" said Felix.

"He can sleep in my bed" said dad.

"Are you sure Jack?" asked Mark.

"Yeah I'll just sleep on the floor" said dad.

"No dad you can sleep with me if you want to" I said.

"Are you sure Rachel?" asked dad.

"Yeah you can sleep with me" I said.

After me, dad, Felix and Mark hung out all day I was felling tired so I went to bed.

After I put on my pjs I went to say goodnight to Felix, Mark and dad then went to my room and went in my bed but after a while when I closed my eyes I heard my door and it was dad he had some pj trousers but no shirt but I didn't mind then he got in my bed and he put his arm around me but I turned around and put my head on his chest the he whispered in my ear I love you.

"I love you too" I whispered.

Then be kissed my forehead then I went to sleep and everything went black.

Then next day I woke up and dad was gone but I was my birthday I looked at my phone and the date was 26th of May but as I sat on my bed I felt hungry so I got up from my bed and cracked all my bones and went to the kitchen but dad, Felix and Mark gave me the biggest scare of my life.

"Guys what are you doing?" I asked.

"We are going to throw you a birthday party" said dad.

"But I never had a birthday party before thank you" I said hugging dad, Felix and Mark in a group hug as I was tearing up.

"Don't cry" said dad wiping a tear away from my cheek with his thumb "now go get ready for your party" said dad.

"Ok" I said running to my room to get ready for my party when I got dressed I put on a short dress, black tights and red converses when I was ready I went back downstairs.

"You look beautiful" said dad kissing my forehead and hugging me.

"Thank you" I said hugging back "so who's coming to my party?" I asked.

"That's a surprise" said dad.

"Oh no not another one" I said jokingly.

After a while I heard a knock at the door and opened it and I was the most shocked person on earth.

At the door there was all my favourite youtubers were at the door like cutiepiemarzia, Shane Dawson, Dan and Phil, joey graceffa and Jenna marbles.

"Are you Rachel?" Asked Ian.

"Y-yeah I a-am" I said nervously.

"Happy birthday!" Shouted joey.

"T-thank y-you" I said very nervous.

"Hey guys come in" said dad.

I just couldn't believe all my favourite youtubers are at my 15th birthday party.

"Are you ok?" Asked Mark.

"Yeah I just can't believe all my favourite youtubers are at my 15th birthday party" I said looking into marks eyes "thank you" I said tearing up.

"Don't say thank you to me say thank you to your dad" said Mark pointing to dad.

So I got up went to dad as hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Thank you daddy" I whispered in his ear.

"Your welcome" said dad wiping away tears with his thumb.

Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting much school has been a pain in the butt but if you like this story give me your opinions about it and let me know.

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