Chapter 14

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When I woke up the next day I was facing Anthony's bare chest but I didn't really care so I snuggled up to him I heard his heartbeat and breathing they were both so calm until I saw him open his bright, brown, sleepy eyes.

"Good morning beautiful" said Anthony kissing my forehead.

"Good morning handsome" I said jokingly lying on Anthony's bare chest listening to his heartbeat.

"You hungry?" Asked Anthony.

"Yeah can we have pancakes for breakfast?" I asked.

"Anything for you beautiful" said Anthony kissing my forehead then getting out of bed.

"Thanks cousin Anthony" I said still lying in the bed.

I stayed in bed for a while looking at the ceiling when I felt someone sit on the bed I looked up and it was Ian.

"Hey uncle Ian what's up" I said sitting up in bed.

"Are you going to talk about Chelsea with Sean?" Asked Ian

Ian I um.....i don't really want to talk about it" I stuttered

"We'll someday you'll have to talk to Sean about it someday or Chelsea I going to hurt you more" said Ian.

"But Chelsea said if I tell you or dad about what she said or did to me she'll kill me, you and dad" I said playing with the bed covers.

Me and Ian sat in silents until Anthony came back upstairs.

"Hey guys breakfast is ready" said Anthony with a big grin on his face.

"Ok Anthony" I said getting out of bed and walking to Anthony's side.

"Ian are you coming?" Asked Anthony.

"Yeah I um will be down in a sec" said Ian.

As me and Anthony walked into the kitchen I looked back and saw tears drop from Ian's eyes I felt like I let Ian down so I started tearing up but not let Anthony see that I was crying but when I got to the kitchen Anthony gave me a plate of bacon, pancakes, eggs and toast then sat on the sofa in the living room as I was eating Ian came downstairs and went onto the kitchen got his breakfast and sat beside me and began to eat his breakfast then Anthony came in.

"Hey guys what do you want to do today?" Asked Anthony.

"I don't know" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Well I think you should me the smosh games crew" said Anthony.

"What yeah that would be awesome!" I shouted hugging Anthony.

"Well when me, you and Ian finish breakfast we can get ready and then go to the smosh games headquarters" said Anthony.

After I finished my breakfast I put my plate into the sink and cleaned it then went to the bathroom to shower when I got into the shower I let the warm water hit off my bare back after I got out of the shower I wrapped a towel around me and went to get my clothes from my backpack from Ian's room when I got my backpack I took out a Markiplier t-shirt, black denim shorts and black vans then went to the bathroom and got dressed after I got dressed I got my phone and my blue beat headphones and went to the living room where I saw Anthony playing assassins creed II

"Hey can I play?" I asked sitting beside Anthony.

"Yeah go grab a controller" said Anthony pausing the game.

I grabbed a controller and started to play assassins creed II with Anthony for about half an hour until Ian came out from the hallway and asked if me and Anthony were ready to go.

"Yeah let's go" said Anthony turning off the game.

"Aw but I wanted to play that" I said jokingly.

"Hehehe you can play later" said Anthony giggling a little.

"Come on you two" said Ian.

"We are coming" said Anthony as and him walked to the car.

As me and Anthony got in the car Anthony got into the backseat so that I could get the front seat I got in the car shut the door buckled up my seatbelt and put on my headphones and put on happy little pill by Troye Sivan.

After the whole song finished me, Ian and Anthony were at the smosh games headquarters as me, Ian and Anthony got out the car I got scared and nervous I think Anthony saw because his hand intertwined with mine so I looked up at him and he looked down at me and smiled so I smiled back as we entered the door that said smosh games headquarters we walked into the building as Ian closed the door me, Ian and Anthony walked down a lot of hallways but when we finally reached a door that said smosh games I squeezed Anthony's hand and I started shaking so Anthony went to my hight level and calmed me down when I was calm I opened the door and I saw the most amazing people on earth inside the smosh games room.

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