Chapter 1

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2024, Milan, Italy

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2024, Milan, Italy

"I hate you!", I screamed out in frustration, throwing my hands in the air.

"Oh come on, Thea, don't be a sore loser", Alaric, my twin, tried to calm me down.

"Yeah, Thea, calm down", Alessio teased, trying to hold in his laughter but miserably failing.

Flipping him off, I flop back on the couch, hugging a pillow and sulking.

"You have to agree; he won fair and square", Alaric states, laying down on the couch and placing his legs on my lap. I glared at him, pushing his legs off.

"Doesn't mean I like the fact that he won any better", I grumbled, folding my arms like a child.

"Awww, Thea, let me give you a hug, you poor little bug", Alessio cooed, his voice dripping with fake honey. He would have been the epitome of kindness if you did not look at the mischievous glint in his eyes.

Alarmed, I try to move away, but the big lug falls on me before I can even try.

"Get off me, asshole", I groan, trying to push him away.

"A family hug!", Alaric shouts, before falling on both of us.

"Seriously, Alaric, you too?", I grumble, still fighting for my life under the two slugs.

"What's going on here?", I could hear Adriano ask.

Ask? More like demand.

"They're trying to kill me, Rian!", I screech, flailing my arms.

"Why are they trying to kill you?", Adriano asked, sounding amused.

"I don't know, ask them. These people are psychos", I shout, receiving a "hey" from Alaric.

"Even though I would love for this to go on, boys get off her", Adriano ordered.

"Whyyyyyy?", both Alessio and Alaric whined.

"Get off her, or I'll set Zeus and the boys on you", Adriano warned.

The little shits immediately scrambled off me, elbowing me multiple times during the process.

I love their extreme fear of Adriano's pets. He has two wolves, Zeus and Hades. A Doberman named Azriel and a Rottweiler named Duke.

Zeus and the gang harbor a strong dislike for my brothers, but they absolutely adore Adriano and me.

"Why are you here?", Alessio asked, dusting his clothes.

"Why can't I be here?", Adriano asked, to which Alessio rolled his eyes.

"What brings you here?", I cut in, breaking up the fight before it could even start.

"Enzo has called everybody for a family meeting", he answered, walking towards me and hugging me.

Adriano and his random bouts of affection are nothing new to me. You could say he's the motherly one in the family, and after our parents' assassination, he really needed these hugs to remind him that we're all safe.

"Who has gotten into trouble now?", I asked, my voice being muffled by Rian's chest.

"I honestly don't know, but he didn't seem too happy when he talked to me", he replied, letting go of me.

"Then let's go", I ordered, trying to push Alessio down on the way out. Unfortunately, the guy is a literal wall. He didn't even move a single inch.

"Last one to reach is a rotten egg!", Alaric shouts, pushing everybody out of the way and running out.

"Alaric, you little shit! Wait for me!", I shout, running after him.

We race to the top floor, and I overtake him halfway. Rian and Alessio also overtook him, but they couldn't catch up to me. I reach Enzo's office and barge in. I see Enzo busy doing some paperwork.

"How many times have I told you to knock before you enter, Rea", he says looking up at me. 

"You know I'll never listen to you, and how did you know it was me?", I asked, flopping down on the chair in front of him.

"None of your other siblings would dare to enter without knocking", He said, placing his papers down and looking at the arriving members.

"Where's Alessandro?", Enzo asked, looking around.

"He's still in the music room, I think", Adriano said.

"I'm here", my brother of a few words announced, gracefully walking in.

"Now that you're all here, I have something to tell you", Enzo started, and was greeted by a "obviously" from Lessio. Enzo glared back.

"You know that, Macy's birthday is coming up. We would have to leave for America for that. I need to know the people coming with me", he said.

Macy was the step-daughter of Uncle Ian, mom's elder brother. Macy and her mom, Steffanie, were actually quite nice at the beginning and I liked them, even though my brothers hated them right off the bat. However, all that changed when I overheard them both talking shit about my parents a few months after their assassination. They've always disliked the fact that my mom inherited everything and not Uncle Ian, and since I'm inheriting all that now, they hate me a lot more than my brothers. All of us hate them, but we haven't told Uncle Ian cus we didn't want him to be heartbroken. Uncle Ian's a cool guy.

"I'm not coming, I have an assassination to do", I said, tweaking the truth a little bit.

I do have an assassination to complete, but I was planning on doing that today. They don't need to know these tiny details.

Enzo's eyes immediately darkened, but it was Adriano that spoke up.

"Who?", he asked, his voice cold enough to make grown humans piss their pants.

I guess you can say they're a little  protective of me?

"Oh, just a small gang leader. He's been pestering our mafia, so I decided to take matter into my own hands", I told him, not even a bit bothered by his anger. I'm used to it.

Oh, also did I forget to tell you?

My family is the head of the Sicilian Mafia and the Greek Cartel.


Hi Guys! 

If you want aesthetics for the dogs, please say so. I really wanna do them, but am too lazy to. So if you guys want some, I may find the energy to do it.

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