Chapter 3

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2024, Milan, Italy

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2024, Milan, Italy

So yeah, my mom was the infamous Alexandra Castellanos, the ex-leader of the Greek Cartel. And my dad was Nicolo Morelli, the ex-don of the Italian Mafia.

After their assassination 2 years ago, The eldest son and daughter had to take over.

Meaning Lorenzo and me. Lorenzo took over immediately, but everyone (my brothers) decided 16 was too early for me to take over, especially after seeing the killing spree I went on after their deaths.

So, I've just slowly started taking over the cartel for the past few months. By my 18th birthday, I would be in full control of the Cartel.

Now back to the drama unfolding...

"You agreed to her killing a gang leader!", Alessio shouted at Enzo, he's always been the first to burst with matters of me.

"He doesn't have to agree to me doing anything", I retort, annoyed. This is the hundredth time I'm having this conversation.

"Enzooooooo, don't let her go on that mission", Alaric whined, showing what I assume to be puppy dog eyes, but he just looks constipated.

"Ugh, you guys go on missions all the time. Why can't I?", I asked, glaring at all of them.

"You're my only baby sister, if you think I'm allowing you to risk yourself, you're incredibly wrong", Alessio glared back.

"All of you shut up! This is Thea's choice. We all know that she can handle herself, why are all of you being such brats", Alessandro, my saviour, spoke up.

"See, that's why he is my favourite brother", I exclaimed, throwing a grateful look at Alessandro.

This caused all the brats to immediately switch their attention to poor Sandro and start glaring at him.

"Don't glare at him! He's done nothing wrong", I reprimand, hugging Alessandro.

"She's just lying, of course, her favourite would be her twin. Right?", Alaric speaks, looking at me hopefully.

"No, she loves food, so she would love the brother who cooks the most for her right?", Adriano rebuts, also looking at me.

"Seriously, you too, Rian? Enzooo, tell them to not be ridiculous", I pouted, looking at my eldest brother.

"Boys, shut your traps", he commanded, causing me to smile at him.

"Of course, I would be her favourite, I'm her eldest brother"


"Seriously! I'm done with you guys"

"Liar, you won't have anyone to cook your favourites for you if you leave", Rian said, looking amused by my mini tantrum.

"Oh right, let me just sit my ass back down"

"Anyways, back to the topic at hand, the only reason I'm okay with her going is that she's taking Jackson with her. It's not like she would listen if I told her no", Lorenzo explains, exasperated.

"Ugh, you spend more time with Jackson than any of us", Alessio complains.

"And adding the time you spend with Dakota, Ivan and Ilia, you virtually have no time for us!", Alaric adds.

"I still don't like you spending time with the Volkov Brat", Enzo complains under his breath.

"Awww, are you guys jealous?", I coo, moving to hug both of them, not forgetting to shoot a glare at Enzo.

"Enough, back to the pressing matter, who is coming with me", Enzo interrupts, glaring at Alaric and Alessio.

"I'll come with you, I have work in America", Adriano says.

"Not me, I have a show to do", Alessandro escapes.

"Me too, I have to babysit little Thea", Alaric excuses.

"Alaric you little shit! You're just ten minutes older than me!", I shouted, lunging for him.

"Not here, Thea. I can't bandage up his wounds again", Adriano reasons, holding me back.

"So, Adriano and Alaric are coming with me. Alessio?", Enzo asks.

"Not possible, I have a game next week", Alessio tells us.

Alessio is a famous football player, and I don't mean American football. He's one of the youngest players ever drafted for the game.

Alessandro is a classical musician and plays in many sold-out stadiums.

I guess all the talent in the family went out to the first set of twins, cus even a tree branch is more talented than Alaric and me.

Lorenzo is the Chairman of Morelli Enterprises and Adriano is the CEO of Morelli Enterprises.

"When are you guys leaving?", I ask, taking a few papers on Enzo's desk and flipping through them.

"Tomorrow night", Enzo replies.

Enzo and Riano have made me their little assistant for matters concerning the company, as I would have to take over the Castellanos Group in a few years, precisely when I turn 21. Until then, my moms younger sister will be taking care of it.

"Why are you guys suddenly investing billions in the real estate market?", I quizzed, shocked by the bizarre decision my brother took.

"Huh? What are you talking about?", Enzo says, looking equally shocked.

"It states here that Morelli Enterprises with Smith corporation are collaborating and investing in the real estate market, which has been steadily decreasing in the past years and shows no signs of an increase in the near future. Furthermore, it states that although the Smith Corporation will only be investing 10% of the total amount, the profit will be split equally between both parties", I explain, shocked by the utter idiocy this document contained.

"All of you guys can leave, I'll take care of this matter", Enzo says, dialing someone on his phone. I know Enzo is already pissed, but I couldn't help pulling his leg.

"Bye Enzo, if you go bankrupt, I can take care of you guys", I teased, getting up and leaving.

"You're lucky, if it was anyone else who said that, even us, a broken nose would be the least of our worries", Alessandro says, walking beside me.

"I'm pretty sure he's gonna be pissed about that until tomorrow", I reply, almost tripping over a carpet.

"No way, he would have forgotten all about that remark by now", he remarked, looking amused by my clumsiness.

"I just realised, We would be back in school by the time they got back", Sandro added, sounding surprised.

"Oh crap, I totally forgot about school. And Alaric, that little shit, will be skipping school with Enzo's permission. That lucky brat", I cursed.

"Oh, don't be so sad. Both Alessio and I will be there to accompany you", Alessandro cheered, nudging my shoulder.

"Of course, I'm so grateful to be blessed with the presence of both your majesty's"

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