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↳ 𝟎.𝟏𝟒
   ❝he finally comes around❞



Finally not being connected to tubes anymore,  she was allowed to sit freely.

She sat there looking out the window for what felt like hours as she contemplated whether to call her father or not.

Mariana wanted to hear his voice, to talk to him again but she knew it would just make everything harder. Harder to leave him behind once she woke up as a vampire.

She knew that her father would have many questions and she couldn't answer them truthfully. She would have to hide from her father and she had never done that before.

Gabe was Mariana's best friend. He was the man that ran away the scary monsters under her bed at night. The one to hold her when she cried and now she had to leave all of that behind and it broke her.

She took in a slight breath, not being able to breathe that well since her ribs had been broken. It hurt to breathe now.

Slowly reaching towards the table, she grabbed her phone. Looking down at it, she bit her lip softly, afraid. She looked at the lock screen, seeing all the missed calls her father had made that she hadn't been able to answer at the time.

Her finger hovered over his name before she clicked on it, bringing it to her ear. By the second ring, Gabe had answered. He had been waiting for days for Mariana to call him back.

"Mariana," Gabe called out in a relief. "¡Dios, Mariana! ¿Por qué no me has vuelto a llamar? He estado preocupado y enfermo. (God, Mariana! Why haven't you called me back? I've been worried sick.)"

Mariana sighed, hearing her father's voice. "Conozco a papá. Lo siento, acabo de ser... ocupado. (I know dad. I'm sorry, I've just been . . . busy.)"

Gabe signed, just thankful that Mariana had finally called him back. "Bueno, suenas mucho mejor, bebé. (Well, you sound a lot better, baby.)"

Mariana nodded, sniffling softly as a few tears clouded her eyes. "Sí, sí. Me mmm me siento mucho mejor, papá. (Yeah, yeah. I um I feel a lot better, daddy.)"

"Todo esto debe haber puesto una torcedura en la luna de miel, ¿hmm? (This whole thing must have put a kink in the honeymoon, hmm?)" Gabe chuckled softly, trying to make Mariana laugh and she did.

She let out a soft laugh, almost scoffing as she shook her head looking down at her free hand, playing with her fingers.

"Sí, se podría decir eso, papá. (Yeah, you could say that, dad.)"

𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐔𝐒 | 𝘦. 𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯 + 𝘣. 𝘴𝘸𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now